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fine-tuning some more classifiers
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 15:21:45 EST
- Subject: fine-tuning some more classifiers
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
1) I have split several more classifiers to permit finer distinctions. In most cases the first two letters remain the same (but see "ti", "to"). If a classifier is given without affected words, then the words with that classifier have not been changed. In the words for vehicles I removed the modifier for 'air' or 'water', since those are now part of the classifier. In most other cases I have left the modifiers unchanged.
ge - classifier for other visible body part
ge'u - classifier for other body part too small to be seen with naked eye or in isolation
ge'ubus = cell [biological].
ge'umus = nucleus, cell nucleus.
ge'utis = enzyme.
ge'uwus = mitochondrion.
ge'uxes = gene.
ge'uxendak = genetic.
ge'uxecis = chromosome.
ha - classifier for atmospheric or weather phenomenon
ha'u - classifier for other non-living phenomenon
ha'us = phenomenon.
ha'ugros = eruption [volcanic], volcanic eruption.
ha'ugrolis = spring, natural water outlet.
ha'ujas = sunlight, sunshine.
ha'ujandak = sunny.
ha'ujyuliles = glacier.
ha'ulas = fire, blaze.
ha'ulaces = flame.
ha'ulibas = flood.
ha'uliqes = current [liquid movement].
ha'umikes = avalanche.
ha'umiles = rock slide.
ha'umilis = waterfall.
ha'uminos = landslide.
ha'uminolis = mudslide.
ha'unoqes = earthquake.
ha'uqas = wave, billow, swell, comber, liquid undulation.
ha'uqabas = tide.
ha'uwos = spark.
he - classifier for ground vehicle
he'i - classifier for water vehicle
he'is = boat, ship.
he'ibas = liner, ocean liner.
he'ibes = ship, vessel.
he'idis = catamaran, twin-hulled boat.
he'igrus = rowboat.
he'imis = submarine.
he'inis = raft.
he'iplas = canoe.
he'ipyulos = sailboat.
he'o - classifier for air vehicle
he'os = airplane, plane, aircraft.
he'_onus_ = helicopter, chopper.
he'u - classifier for other vehicle
he'us = spaceship, spacecraft, rocket (ship), space rocket.
hi - classifier for launcher of (usually) explosive device
hi'a - classifier for explosive weapon or projectile
hi'alos = missile, projectile.
hi'aloces = bullet.
hi'alocesi = ammunition, bullets.
hi'awis = bomb.
hi'awiklos = mine [explosive].
hi'awilos = shell, artillery shell.
hi'u - classifier for other (explosive non-weapon) explosive
hi'ukalas = firework(s).
ho - classifier for electrical component
ho'u - classifier for electrical component for converting energy
ho'ujas = light bulb.
ho'ujes = microphone.
ho'uplas = mouse [computer accessory].
ho'uyas = speaker, loudspeaker.
ho'uyamus = bullhorn, electric megaphone.
ho'uyes = keyboard [computer].
hu - classifier for powered measurement device
hu'a - classifier for powered energy converter
hu'ajas = lamp.
hu'ajaklos = camera.
hu'ajates = laser.
hu'alas = furnace, stove, heating appliance.
hu'alalos = oven.
hu'alalonrop = bake, cook in an oven.
hu'alavos = stove, range, cooking appliance.
hu'alays = refrigerator, icebox.
hu'alaynrop = refrigerate.
hu'alonus = windmill.
hu'anuqes = turbine.
hu'aqes = engine, motor.
hu'atras = transceiver.
hu'atraces = walkie-talkie.
hu'atragros = transmitter.
hu'atragrus = receiver.
hu'atrajas = television, TV.
hu'atrajes = radio (receiver), wireless.
hu'atrakras = fax (machine), facsimile machine.
hu'atrayes = telegraph.
hu'awos = generator.
hu'e - classifier for powered modifier of matter
hu'emas = mill, grinder, grinding or milling device.
hu'enus = drill press.
hu'enunes = lathe.
hu'ewanus = circular saw.
hu'ewaqas = jackhammer, air hammer, pneumatic hammer.
hu'ewares = lawnmower.
hu'i - classifier for energy mover, pathway
hu'igros = pump.
hu'igronrop = pump.
hu'igus = toilet.
hu'iyas = telephone, phone.
hu'iyanrop = telephone, phone, call, make a telephone call to.
hu'iyaces = intercom.
hu'o - classifier for powered musical instrument
hu'osaqis = organ [musical instrument].
hu'osawos = synthesizer [musical instrument].
hu'u - classifier for other powered device
hu'us = device, mechanism, apparatus, appliance, contrivance, instrument, piece of equipment.
hu'ucus = machine, mechanical device.
hu'ucusi = machinery/machines
hu'ukeples = washer, washing machine.
hu'ukyiqinus = satellite, space satellite.
hu'uliqes = jacuzzi.
hu'utyeklus = calculator.
hu'uxas = robot.
hu'uxos = computer.
ma - classifier for room
ma'u - classifier for non-room section of building
ma'ubus = cupboard.
ma'ucis = floor (of a building), story, level.
ma'ujas = porch.
ma'ujalos = balcony.
ma'ukres = stage, platform.
ma'ulames = fireplace, hearth.
ma'ulules = patio.
ma'unomis = foundation, base [of a building].
ma'upyitimes = staircase, stairway, stairs, steps.
ma'uxyunugles = arch.
ma'uxyunuglensas = archway.
ni - classifier for clothing
ni'a - classifier for part of clothing not worn separately
ni'amos = sleeve.
ni'atis = collar.
ni'u - classifier for non-clothing fabric
ni'ujis = handkerchief.
ni'ukes = washcloth/washrag, facecloth.
ni'ukis = sleeping bag.
ni'ulas = blanket.
ni'unis = towel.
ni'unines = ribbon.
no - classifier for furniture that typically supports the human body
no'u - classifier for furniture not used for supporting the human body
no'udos = tripod.
no'umis = shelf.
no'unyuyos = bookcase.
no'utas = table, stand. [table, bench, stand.]
no'uxes = desk, writing table.
no'uzas = counter, checkout (counter), table or other flat surface over which business transactions and other work are conducted.
te - classifier for other activity
te'e - classifier for activity which produces a tangible result
te'efyecipop = harvest, reap.
te'ejaklop = film, record with a motion picture camera.
te'ejep = pronounce, enunciate.
te'ekap = paint, take part in the activity of painting.
te'ekep = bathe, take a bath.
te'ekemep = shower, take a shower.
te'eklap = vote, cast a vote.
te'ekranzwop = resolve, settle, reconcile, work out, come to an agreement about, work out a satisfactory solution.
te'elap = cook, prepare food using heat.
te'elyijyulolap = smoke [use tobacco].
te'emawp = dig.
te'emup = draw, sketch, delineate.
te'eplep = sew, stitch, tailor.
te'erep = plant, sow.
te'erenvip = plant, sow.
te'erenwop = plant, sow.
te'erip = reproduce, have offspring.
te'evop = eat, ingest.
te'evonvip = feed, cause to eat.
te'evonwip = feed, cause to eat.
te'evolip = drink, imbibe.
te'ewavip = operate, perform surgery.
te'ewavindak = surgical.
te'ewavindos = operation, surgery.
te'eyep = write, scribe.
te'eyeklop = print, write in block letters.
te'eyelip = handwrite, write in longhand or cursive.
te'eyezup = erase.
te'ezap = trade, deal, traffic, do business, buy and sell.
te'ezandes = commerce, trade, business.
te'ezandos = transaction, deal, business deal.
te'u - classifier for activity characterized by a specific part of the body
te'ubyetep = bark.
te'ugop = applaud, clap (hands).
te'ujap = gaze, stare.
te'ujerap = roar.
te'ujesap = cheer.
te'ukrip = bow (down), kowtow, make obeisance.
te'umop = reach (out) (for), extend a limb in an attempt to grasp something.
te'unesap = dance.
te'unesandos = dance.
te'uqip = rest, relax.
te'usap = sing.
te'uvip = exercise, work out.
te'uwip = fight, brawl, struggle.
te'uwindos = fight, brawl, struggle.
te'uyalop = whistle, make a shrill sound.
ti - classifier for actions of movement through space
tihyep = ride, travel by vehicle.
tihyenvip = drive, operate [a vehicle].
tihyelip = sail, travel by boat.
tihyeligrup = row [a boat].
tijaqep = track, stalk, trace, trail.
tilip = swim.
tilop = fly, keep oneself airborne and moving.
tilonvip = fly [an aircraft], pilot.
tilogrup = dive, plunge.
timep = climb.
timip = crawl, creep.
tinep = walk.
tinehap = march, walk like a soldier in formation.
tineqep = run, sprint, bound.
tinesip = race, compete by running.
tiqap = jump, leap, spring, vault, bound.
tiqep = go, proceed.
tiqepwa = return [to a former location], go back, turn back.
tiqendos = trip, jaunt, going.
tiqenzip = send (off/forth), dispatch.
tiqehep = wander.
tiqejyukep = ski, travel on snow using skis.
tiqepop = chase, pursue, give chase, go after.
tiqepocep = follow, tail.
tirap = hunt.
tisejap = tour, sight-see, rubberneck.
titayap = meet, convene, assemble, gather.
titazap = shop, go shopping.
titrap = travel, journey, voyage, make a trip.
titraqep = flee, run away from.
to - classifier for involuntary act done only by animate object
[All words of former classifier "ti" are now in "to" or "to'u".]
to'u - classifier for involuntary act typically done by inanimate object
to'uhef = burst.
to'umif = fall, plummet, plunge, drop.
to'uqeplaf = slip, slide.
to'uwuf = explode.
to'uwundos = explosion.
tu - classifier for other act
tu'u - classifier for other act during which a specific part of the body is used
tu'uqamuf = shake hands with.
tu'usemof = hug, embrace.
tu'usuf = mate, have sex with.
tu'usundes = sex, intercourse, copulation, coitus, lovemaking.
tu'uvof = bite.
tu'uwomif = kick.
tu'uwomuf = punch, hit with the fist.
tu'uwonif = slap.
tu'uyaf = kiss.
2) I changed the classifier of two other words to reflect their nature as containers (instead of social items):
pamuzas = purse, pocketbook, handbag.
pazanis = wallet, billfold.