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element names

I've moved all the words with classifier "je" ('plant/animal substance') to "jo"

I've changed classifier "je" ('plant/animal substance') to "jo".

I've split classifier "ja" ('element/compound') into two classifiers: "ja" ('element') and "je" ('compound').

All of the words that were not specifically elements are now in "je".

I have added all the other (first 103) elements to the dictionary.
I have experimentally changed the naming convention of the element words.  Instead of using the regular number morphemes to indicate the atomic number of the elements (e.g., carbon = jafes), the morphemes are just all the consonant-vowel combinations (ba, be, bi, bo, bu, ca, ce, ..., za, ze, zi, (zo, zu)), with no regard to any of the other meanings of the morphemes.  Now, in addition to all the element words being in strict alphabetical order, they are all also the same shape and short length, making the names completely egalitarian and nonjudgmental, and also eliminating any association with discoverer and history.  
