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sentences, lesson 19

  The coffee in the hospital was barely hot.
Volap zobuc la{coffee}s womug mevibas.

   Your son wanted his teeth to keep themselves clean.
Vagrab wapaz yasas xukenvep kuvosi rupak.

   I was able to cut the string with this sharp knife.
Tuwandaf yaras punes tunjed ne'ewas vuwak yarik.

   The baby fell asleep among the quiet friendly people.
Xekinzop rebus wocid resi vusek vu'ayak.

   I'll study Latejami if you'll work for the library.
Ye'on texegrunwop yaras sayasa zeper wa'utab yasas

   Everyone will be hoping for a generous contract.
Ye'ohon vapob res zibak zok sagus vagrozak zok.

   My children exchanged the encyclopedia for this black
Wev wapuzi yaras nuxebas zonjed punus xakik yarik.

   Who is that old bather in our bathroom?
Yen wukrab rengas tekes voqik yastik womud malis

   The company isn't able to sell the valuable antiques.
Yozun yehun we'azandav razas nuqisi xuzak.

   Only three pins supported the painting about the
Womib punas zidok zoglic zok nukas vig

   The scissors and the thermometer are in the dining room
Yen womub ne'ewadis zer nelas mabus vig mavosu.

   We had better go shopping while the children are
Yutiben yehun tetazap yarsas yed yen xekip rebosi.

   It was urgent that all the telephones in working order
     be along this wall.
Yutibeb huyas xuvik zibak zok wonengeb pimes yarik.

   Why are your acquaintances kneeling on the dirty floor?
Yen xe'akrip zonjugad wa'uxezi yasas wonid pimis

   I spent several years studying linguistics at the
yenveb yaras sepabas zibik zok texegrunwod rigayas
wod mexebas.

   The attic door has a colorful attractive knob.
Yen zanxwab piqes vig malosu pohos vujuk
xacik zok.

   John broke the broom by hitting the broomstick with a
Xu'avinzip re{John}sa ne'ekes tunjed tuwongef kumes
ne'ekek tunjed ne'eles zok.

   I want to live in a location devoid of flies and
Yen vagrab yaras tetungep wod kes zok wu'acug
daklisu zer dalisu.

   The immature birds will very soon wake up in their nest.
Ye'obun xe'akinzop casi xe'arek womud kutulos

   I know that I didn't put the salt and the honey on the
Yen vaxeb yaras yozun woninzib yaras lakes zer
jedyajus notas.

   How did the thirteen candles get to the plumbing tools?
Wonzob pujas zidedok ne'esi vig rilisu

   The father sympathized with his daughter and tightly
     hugged her.
Vatib wanas wapiz runas zer tusemongef rupis

   I had my subordinates make the furniture with screws
     rather than nails.
Xuganzip yaras xuganzip wa'ucubozi yaras nosi tunjed
po'unusu wukreg po'utosu.

   You'll be able to loosen the blade by manipulating this
Ye'on vo'ahanzidap yasas powas tunjed tumongef pus

   The real rope bridge will cross the canal near the
     train station.
Ye'on womob mutis punecak xugak mutilis wo'abod

   Why did the representative of the airline need to push
     his bicycle onto the road?
Yusuben tugrof zonjugad wa'utiz ralos hedis rutik
woninzod munes?

   My sister whispered her opinions to me during the
     excellent performance.
Tacem wamiz yaras yaras yobendosi rumik yed sis

   Did you do something to the wheels in order to make
     them slightly unattractive?
Yongan tuf yasas poqesi wugrad vu'ajunzigep zoboc

   I saw a white butterfly at the park across from the
     hobby location.
Vejab yaras dakas xakek zok wod mumes wohod
kes vig risisu.

   The members of the faculty aren't eager to wash the
     high ceiling in the tower.
Yozun yen vavib wa'uzi raxegros tukengef
pilos volok womug memes.

   Why were there no pebbles on the path outside the
     bear's lair?
Xugap zonjugad kolibos zidak zok wonid munebus wo'amug
kuturas zag beves?

   Your enemy couldn't be defeated because he had too many
Yozun tujunladaf wa'usezuz yasas zonjud zanxwab ruzus
rewisu zigrik zok.