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changes resulting from new suffixes

For any particular default argument structure there are three argument structures that the new suffixes can replace.  One pair changes -F to +F and vice versa, and the other pair changes s to d and vice versa.  
Althought the two members of each pair are mutually exclusive, a member of the xo/zo pair can be followed by a member of the we/wo pair: e.g. zowe.

Read "default argument structure (equivalent suffix): corresponding classifiers", followed by the three changes resulting from the new suffixes:
A/P/F-d (zwi): ta
zi > wo              xwi > xo             xi > xowo
A/P-d (zi): tu
zwi > we            xi > xo               xwi > xo we
AP/F-d (zwe): we/we'a
ze > wo              xwe > xo            xe > xowo
AP/F-s (xwe): yo+
xe > wo              zwe > zo            ze > zowo
AP-s (xe): te
xwe > we           ze > zo               zwe > zowe
F/P-s (none): za/za'a
Can't use the new suffixes, at least for now.
P/F-s (xwa): va/va'a, ve, ve'u, vi/vi'a, wa, wa'u, wo/wo'a, wu/wu'a, ye+, yu+
xa > wo             zwa > zo             za > zowo
P-d (za): b+..s+, vo/vo'a, vu/vu'a, xa, xe/xe'a, xu/xu'a, ya, zi
zwa > we           xa > xo               xwa > xowe
