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new "ne" (unpowered device) classifiers
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 19:16:42 EDT
- Subject: new "ne" (unpowered device) classifiers
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
I have split classifier "ne/ne'o" (unpowered devices) into six classifiers:
ne measuring devices
ne'a sense-enhancers, brain-enhancers
ne'e tools, manipulators
ne'i weapons
ne'o musical instruments
ne'u general, miscellaneous
Naturally, some of the modifiers have changed as a result.
Here's the whole list of words beginning with "ne":
nes gauge, calibrated measurement indicator.
nekros ruler, rule, straightedge.
nelas thermometer, temperature indicator.
nemis scale(s), balance, weight measuring device.
nenos compass [magnetic direction indicator].
neples calipers.
neyenus compass [drafting tool].
ne'ajas glasses, spectacles, eyeglasses.
ne'ajabos magnifier/magnifying glass, hand lens.
ne'ajabus microscope.
ne'ajatras telescope, spy glass.
ne'aklus abacus.
ne'akres mirror.
ne'anis level [the tool].
ne'apas hourglass.
ne'es tool, instrument.
ne'ehos key, unlocking implement.
ne'ekas paintbrush.
ne'ekes broom.
ne'ekenrop sweep, use a broom.
ne'ekeces brush.
ne'eles hammer, mallet.
ne'elis sponge.
ne'elines oar.
ne'elinenrop row, pull oars to move boat.
ne'elinis paddle.
ne'eloqes fan, air mover.
ne'emas shovel, spade.
ne'emalis strainer.
ne'emalicas colander, large food strainer.
ne'emos fork [food utensil].
ne'emulis syringe, needle.
ne'emulinrop inject [using a syringe].
ne'enes comb.
ne'enus spoon.
ne'enucas ladle.
ne'enuqes whisk [kitchen utensil].
ne'eqas saw.
ne'eres rake, grass and leaf gathering tool.
ne'evos plow, tiller.
ne'evonrop plow, till, work the soil.
ne'ewas knife.
ne'ewadis scissors, shears.
ne'ewanes razor.
ne'exus mold, shape-giving instrument or container.
ne'eyes pencil.
ne'eyeklos typewriter.
ne'eyeklonrop type, print using a typewriter.
ne'eyelis pen [writing instrument].
ne'is weapon, arm.
ne'intep arm, supply with weapons.
ne'intop disarm.
ne'igrones pike.
ne'ilos arrow, quarrel.
ne'ilogrus bow [archery].
ne'imes ax, axe.
ne'imenes quarterstaff.
ne'imewis battle-axe.
ne'inas spear, large javelin.
ne'iros dagger.
ne'iwabas sword.
ne'iwos club, cudgel, bat.
ne'iwones whip.
ne'ocis piano.
ne'odus violin.
ne'olas guitar.
ne'olos flute.
ne'onis tambourine.
ne'owis bugle.
ne'oyas horn [musical instrument].
ne'ozos bell.
ne'us device, implement.
ne'usi equipment, gear.
ne'uloqis parachute.
ne'uqejyukes ski.
ne'uyas megaphone, speaking horn or trumpet.
ne'uzas cash register, till.