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Re: change to derived words: krill

--- In saweli@yahoogroups.com, MorphemeAddict@... wrote:
> I'm contemplating changing the way I treat words like 'krill', 
which is 
> "WHALE + arthropod", i.e., words which are derived from other whole 
words, not just 
> from modifiers.
> Instead of preceding the whole stem of 'whale' ("bobas") by "zyu", 
I may 
> insert a "y" after the consonant of the classifier 
(here "bo">"byo"), so that 
> "bobas" (whale) produces "-byoba-" (WHALE).  Then add classifier, 
other mods as 
> necessary, and ending:  debyobas ('krill').
> This allows shorter and more natural, although still explicit, 
borrowings in 
> the derivations.
> The fact that some of the consonant combinations are hard to 
> (e.ge., "wy", "jy") is regrettable, but since those occur so 
seldom, I think it's 
> worth it.  
> It would be nice to have a very short way to mark the end of the 
> word, but I haven't come up with that yet.  And it may not be 
> stevo

I have decided to go with this.  
