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Re: [saweli] New file uploaded to saweli

In a message dated 6/10/2006 10:22:52 AM Central Standard Time, sts@hidden.email writes:

Does this mean you have 4177 entries already? Wow!


Yes, but of course.  All of the words are the same as ram's in Latejami.  Whenever he makes a new word, I get it too.
There are only a handful of words that I have that he doesn't.  They are not included in the files online.  One such pair is the words for egg and sperm.  He has "docesi" and "xacesi", i.e., female and male 'animal organs'.  I use the same two words (as "galis" and "galos" to mean 'clitoris' and 'penis', which he doesn't have at all), and then the minimal polarities "galibus" and "galobus" for 'egg' and 'sperm'.

Ram also has lots of words (at least 245) mentioned in the notes of other words.  If he created separate entries for those, he'd have a bigger dictionary too.
In the past I have actually created separate entries in my copy for those mentioned words, but since I redo the whole dictionary every time he updates his, it was more trouble than it was worth to keep those extra entries in the dictionary.
If you have any suggestions for new or missing words, send them to him.  Most of the new words in the last update were my idea. :-)
