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- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 19:35:54 EDT
- Subject: modifiers
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
Most S modifiers are direct equivalents of L modifiers. Exceptions include colors, which were matched to numbers, and the addition of "zu", used to mark a classifier used in a stem. The modifiers are also arranged alphabetically, according to an ad hoc scheme of apparent relationships.
ba1 number/count/group
be1 membership/constituency/partitive/ordinal
bi1 indefinite/nonspecific/general
bo1 good
bo2 want
bo3 purpose
bu1 bad
bu2 undesirable
ca1 maximal polarity
ce1 big/high polarity
ci1 average polarity
co1 small/low polarity
cu1 minimal polarity
da1 zero
da23 not/opposite
da4 imaginary
da5 magic
de1 one
de2 infrared
de3 unity
de4 harmony
de5 child
de6 offspring
di1 two
di2 red
di3 divided
di4 opposition
do1 three
do2 orange
du1 four
du2 yellow
fa1 five
fa2 green
fe1 six
fe2 blue
fi1 seven
fi2 purple
fo1 eight
fo2 ultraviolet
fo3 writing
fu1 nine
fu2 knowledge
fu3 wisdom
fu4 correct
ga1 reality
ga2 truth
ga3 inherent
ge1 insufficient polarity
gi12 own/possess
gi34 enough/sufficient polarity
go1 excessive polarity
go'a12 thankful/grateful
go'a3 deserving
gu1 possible
gu2 potential
gu3 almost polarity
ha1 positive
ha2 gain
ha3 extra polarity
ha'a especially polarity
he14 negative/minus
he2 loss
he3 cancel
hi1 push
hi2 press
hi3 give
hi4 exit
ho1 pull
ho2 receive
ho3 request
ho4 collect
ho5 enter
hu1 just
hu2 only polarity
ja12 free/unrestrained
ja3 uncertain
ja4 approximate polarity
je12 bound/restrained
je3 certain
je4 exact polarity
ji1 open
ji2 unobstructed
ji3 allowed
ji4 exchange
jo1 closed
jo2 obstructed
jo3 disallowed
jo4 stopped
ju1 color
ka1 see
ka2 light
ka3 evident
ka4 show
ka5 eye
ke1 loud
ke2 sound
ke3 hearing
ke4 ear
ki1 smell
ki2 nose
ko1 taste
ko2 tongue
ku1 sweet
ku2 sugar
la1 dark
la2 asleep
la3 black
la4 secret
la5 unexpected
le1 chemical
le2 clean
le3 white
li1 vote
li2 opinion
li3 choice
li4 female
lo1 easy
lo2 habitual
lo3 common
lo4 male
lu1 mechanical
lu2 technical
lu3 complex
ma1 arithmetic
ma2 abstract
me1 equal
me2 same
me3 fair
mi1 performance
mi2 actor
mi3 substitute
mi4 similar
mi5 compare
mo1 folded
mo2 sit
mo3 chair
mo4 angle
mu12 straight/unbent
mu3 smooth
mu4 calm
na1 hot
na2 anger
na3 fire
na5 spicy
ne1 hard
ne2 tough
ne3 cold
ne4 solid
ni1 fish
ni2 water
ni3 liquid
ni4 swim
no1 bird
no2 fly
no3 high
no4 lift
no5 gas
no6 sky
nu1 top
nu2 summit
nu3 cap
pa1 sand
pa2 fine
pa3 filter
pa4 dig
pa5 deep
pe1 tree
pe2 wood
pe3 paper
pe4 tall
pe5 vertical
pe6 leg
pi1 low
pi2 under
pi3 on
pi4 support
pi5 foot
pi6 heavy
po1 arm
po2 branch
po3 extension
po4 lever
po5 crane
pu1 contain
pu2 inside
pu3 grasp
pu4 hold
pu5 hand
qa1 point
qa2 peak
qa3 extremity
qa4 tail
qe1 long
qe2 road
qe3 walk
qe4 line
qe5 string
qe6 hair
qi1 flat
qi2 two-dimensional
qo1 land
qo2 location
qo3 earth
qo4 natural
qo5 wild
qu1 duration
qu2 temporal
qu3 long-lasting
ra1 past
ra2 before
ra3 pre
ra4 early
ra5 start
ra6 birth
ra7 contingency
re1 present
re2 now
re3 recent
ri1 future
ri2 after
ri3 post
ri4 late
ri5 finish
ro1 temporary
ru1 thin
ru2 narrow
ru3 finger
ru4 touch
sa1 clothing
sa2 shirt
sa3 thick
sa4 wide
sa5 chest
se1 round
se2 rotate
se3 fat
se4 full
si1 jump
si2 spring
si3 back-and-forth
si4 iterate
so1 fast
so2 agile
so3 move
so4 go
su1 old
su2 slow
su3 dense
su4 clumsy
su5 immobile
ta1 animal
ta2 meat
te1 plant
te3 growth
te4 leaf
ti1 life
ti2 alive
to1 death
to2 inactive
to3 sorrow
tu1 happy
tu2 music
tu3 singing
va1 enjoy
va2 friend
ve1 play
ve2 sport
ve3 leisure
vi1 work
vi2 deed
vi3 project
vo1 involvement
vo2 together
vo3 help
vu1 connect
vu2 intermediary
vu3 neck
vu4 between
wa1 away
wa2 distant
wa3 foreign
we1 building
we2 home
we3 reside
we4 build
we5 construct
wi1 kinship
wi2 family
wi3 trust
wo1 safe
wo2 protect
wo3 armor
wo4 skin
wu1 dangerous
wu2 harm
wu3 fear
xa1 healthy
xa2 functional
xa3 ready
xe1 food
xe2 eat
xe3 stomach
xi1 cut
xi2 slice
xi3 sharp
xo2 blood
xo3 combat
xo4 violence
xu1 electric
xu2 shock
xu3 strike
ya1 energy
ya2 power
ya3 strong
ya4 leadership
ye1 person
ye2 thinking
ye3 intelligent
yi1 professional
yi2 expert
yi3 skillful
yo1 language
yo2 mouth
yo3 message
yo4 word
yu1 shape
yu2 symbol
yu3 meaning
yu4 face
za1 business
za2 money
za3 finance
ze1 law
ze2 justice
ze3 court
ze4 civilization
zi1 government
zi2 nation
zi3 politics
zo1 religious
zo2 spiritual
zo3 supernatural
zu1 zu