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3 new words

The three new words are "vanandas", "vuhap", and "vu'ahap":

vanandas - anger, wrath, ire, choler.

vuhap [P-s] - grow, enlarge, expand, spread, wax, become larger in size.
Keep in mind that the state adjective "vuhak" simply means 'growing/becoming larger'.
[Etym: positive/gain/extra polarity + other scalar non-relational state] dankema

vu'ahap [P-s] - shrink, emaciate, wither, wizen, wane, shrivel, become smaller in size.
Keep in mind that the state adjective "danfomo" simply means 'shrinking/becoming smaller'.
[Etym: positive/gain/extra polarity + antonym of other scalar non-relational state] danfoma

Ye'ajin vuhap menos yed ye'ajin vu'ahap mejinos wo'acok =
The airport was growing while the nearby marketplace was shrinking.
