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Re: Introduction to myself and Pelsodian

>Saloit Dormouse! Glad you are here. Silvish is definitely one of the most well crafted romlangs I can think of.

Marchî li Lex. Jou swi contant d' ôvì sê. 

Thanks Lex. I'm glad to hear that.


>Salut, Dormouse!
>Hao cercato en internet informatione sopre lo too Silvese. Haio tropato https://silvish.loir.info/ Interessante :) Solamente ha la pàgina de initio?

Wî, l' e ssâ la paja d' acceu. E dj' ê pà mì a djour la verso d' la linja lê. L' a pluzi mmwet. L' i-y a-t âsi mon filou seuvre lû CBB, que jou mê a djour lantaman.

Yes, it's just the homepage. And I haven't updated the version of the language there. It's several months old. There's also my thread on the CBB, which I'm slowly updating.
