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"Apparently the 'Latin' was pronounced exactly like the Romance language that native spoke until around the Carolingian "Reformation" of the pronunciation of Latin. It's quite possible that it still sounded a lot like Old French with clerics saying 'habitaculon' for 'habitaculum' and 'meon' for 'meum'. Of course the 'c' would be pronounced as 'k' like in Classical Latin. Later, 'c' would be pronounced as 'ts' again." For Raeto-Romance got many words with 'c', spoken as 'ts' it would be possible to find out the years when the latin pronunciation was replaced in that way. The name for june 'zercladur' looks like it is from that time and looks like 'circulâtor'. The case of Raeto-Romance makes it specifically difficult to decide if purism is appropriate. I read that in places where 'ca' got 'tga' in Raeto-Romance some people still make the change in new loans. /Thomas [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]