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Re: //ll// > /d`d`/ etc. (was: Re: [romconlang] Re: Will you please send me stories in your romlangs?)

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Thomas Ruhm <thomas@hidden.email> wrote:

> **
> I am very glad about that my posts are useful for you. It is motivating to
> write, if people who are interested in the topic read it. This passage is
> hard to write. I get good and quick answers here and many people have
> something to say.
Yes, it is always encouraging to know that someone is actually reading what
you post.

>   How did my posts influence your further plans for Carrajina?
Well, mostly there is a small and growing list of words that I am
considering adding to the lexicon.  INCAD is first on that list, whether it
is derived from IN CATA or from HINC AD.  either way, I think it will become
a new function word in C-a.  Then the Arabic loans you have been posting
about -- several of those are likely to become new  words.  Between this
on-going conversation and an entirely unexpected bit of programming help
from another quarter, which should make updating my dictionary MUCH easier
and more efficient, I have really got the itch to do some more writing
and/or translating in(to) Carrajina.  Writing, whether original or
translation work, always produces new words, and (though less frequently
now) new grammatical forms.


> "Thanks for all the random bits of this and that you have been
> posting/asking
> lately. I have found it really useful in further developing Carrajina. I
> hope you have derived similar befefit.
> Adam"
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]