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I did have time to look over the Anchu just now. I can still read it, but I did notice some problems with adj-noun agreement and some typos, etc. That can't make your comprehension any easier! Probably the main problem is that second paragraph. I had in mind the epic form when I was writing on Anchu and that second paragraph is modeled on one of the conventions of such writing. It is a giant catalogue of all the deeds of Hercules, the villain of the piece. It lists all the 12 labors and some of H's other notable deeds such as rapes and murders. It sets him up as a treat to the peaceful and civilized life of the local folk under good king Anteus. I had in mind and author who was of local Carhtagenian stock who was rather bitter with the Byzantine greeks and was writing this with a political axe to grind. Thus Hercules becomes a symbol for the "eveil Greek foreign interlopers" and Anteus a symbol for the "good and peacable Carthaginian who would get on just fine if the naughty foreigner would just leave us alone." As you can see the peice didn't go very far. Three (poorly edited) paragraphs does not an epic make. Have you looked at the long (but unfinished) piece about the war of the two queens yet? Adam On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:28 AM, thomasruhm <thomas@hidden.email> wrote: > ** > > > I like that African Romance a load. Who made it? The word 'incad' seems to > mean 'concerning'. > > I am reading the "Folktale" again today. Did you take a look at Anchu > again? Is African Romance an inspiration for you? > > Maybe Mozarab would be useful, but I don't know how to learn it. Old > Sardinian and Sardolatin texts would be better available. > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]