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Re: [romconlang] Aqilonian

Hi Thomas,

Are you thinking of my Aqileian language?  (I have vacillated between "Aqileian" and "Aqilonian" as a name, though I think I decided "Aqilonian" was simply _too_ Howardian, and settled on Aqileian. :))

I fear I have not worked much on Aqileian since later 2009!  Too many other things have been going on ....  But, to be sure, Aqileian is intended to have a sort of Proto-Italic feel (though also reflecting some things in Vulgar Latin/Romance), with two daughter languages (or dialects): Kuriac, which is more Latino-Faliscan, and "Ausonic" which is intended to have a sort of Oscan feel and a bit of influence from Greek/Koine phonology (although not vocabulary).

I am trying to remember any specific words of Greek origin in Latin that I replaced in my example texts .... I think I would have to go back and search the posts I made on the topic in mid-/late 2009!  But, to be sure, in any such cases, my technique was (would have been?) to look for suitable existing "Western PIE" reconstructions that could be turned into plausible Italic versions, or to work back to the PIE antecedents of the Greek loans and re-fashion them through PIE>Italic sound changes.

I am not sure that I used any personal pronouns in my "Nemedian Chronicles" Babel text; relative and possessive pronouns, but no real personal pronouns.  However, as best as I recall, personal pronouns are relatively well attested in Old Latin; I imagine my Aqileian personal pronouns would be similar, though more archaic.  I would need to check my copy of Buck's Oscan/Umbrian grammar and likewise Sihler to clarify my take on things!


On 28 Feb 2011, at 14:09 , thomasruhm wrote:

> Hello Pixi,
> I am trying to learn Old Latin and I am getting along quite well. We did write each other before. Maybe you remember me. I change usual latin texts into Old Latin, but only short ones so far.
> Could you give me a list of neologisms you made for Aqilonian? Specially those to replace greek words would be very interesting for me. When I take greek words, I try to put them in a form, which occur in greek from that time and fit them into Old Latin phonology. "Camarâ" I leave that way, for instance, because Old Latin kept unstressed 'a'. So far I also use greek 'ou' and 'ei', even in those words, where it is not etymologically alright. 'Ou' and long 'o' changed in greek pronunciation to long 'u' and they where spelled alike by that time. I might buy an etymological dictionary for Greek later.
> As far as I remember Aqilonian is your pre-language from which you are building your main languages. But if you are still working on it, we could discuss some issues and exchange opinions.
> What personal pronouns do you use? Are they different from those in Old Latin?
> I don't write in the group often, because everybody seems to know much more than I do.
> Have a good day
> /Thomas
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Carl Edlund Anderson