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Somehow all of my actual examples were messed up, I send again with the examples corrected (hopefully) cavallohorse(caballos) touall(totu) fecàliver(fecatu)(neuter) ioscovobishop(epscopos) autaiaaltar(altaria) chorrito look for(querere) castaiobrown(castanjos) mutaìto change(mutare) fomaccheese(formaticu)(neuter) janollawindow(januella) seiaevening(sera) poiafight(pugna) gassuetayoung woman(garsonetta) tervaiaìto work(tripaliare) sambeblood(sanguis) limbatongue(lingua) broveshort(brevis) --------- Okay, now to business. Nouns: Three cases: Nom., Acc., Obl. Masculine: SingularPlural Nom.elcatto (cat)licatti Acclocatlocatto Oblluicattolecatte (illecattosillicatti) (illumcattuilloscattos) (illuicattoilliscattis) Feminine: SingularPlural Nom.lavacca (cow)levacce Acc.lavaccalevacche Obl.levaccelevacce (illavaccaillaevaccae) (illam vaccamillasvaccas) (illae vaccaeillisvaccis) Neuter:losas(rock)lasassa losaslasassa luisassolesasse (<saxo) Other Declensions: 3rd Declension: par(Sg.parri, parri)'father' (Pl.parre, parre, parre) native (Sg. nativai, nativai)'birth' (Pl. nativai, nativai, nativai) reì(Sg.regi,regi)'king' (Plrege, rege, rege) tompo (Sg. tompo, tompori)'time' (Pl. tompora, tompora, tompore) 4th Declension: (mostly replaces by 1st declension) mano (Sg. man, mano)'hand' (Pl mano/mani, mano, mane) 5th Declension:(indeclinable) jie (Sg.jie, jie)'days' (Pljie, jie, jie) ---- Verbs: I won't go into the details now, but here are the subject clitics and one present tense paradigm. vederi 'see' i vijo nevedemo te vedivevedeì a vediiviju a = l' after or before vowels: el mi l vedi 'he sees me' heme3Ssees ---- Two sample texts: A) Something silly: la muie miamil domandacheifojo pe le tervaie thewifemyme3Saskwhat1SdoI for the.OBL job.OBL Mai nun i fo nigenti pe le tervaie but not 1S do nothing for the.OBL job.OBL Jom'i sijotoalajiealecostedelui fiummi. Ime1Ssitallthedayatthe.OBLside.OBLofthe.OBL river.OBL Nunitiolatervaia! not1Shavethejob! B) Lords Prayer: El par noç, che t’ e en lui ceu the fatherour that 2S are in the heaven Cheelnomitoasiasantificà thatthenameyou3Sbe.sbjsantified Cheelreiotoavia thatthekingdomyour3Scome.sbj Chelavolontètaasiafait thatthewillyour3Sbe.sbjdone Enleterresil'eagoa misimaen lui ceu in the.OBLearthlike3Sisthis.timesamein the heaven Dainoiujilopaipeaccostejie give.2Pustodaythe.ACCbread.ACC forthis.OBL day Pordoai lo nosciopoccatello pardon.2Pthe.ACC.PLoursins.ACC.PL Sicomo noinepordoamolochecontra noiipoccà likeas we1Ppardonthe.ACC.PLthatagainstus3Psin Nunnilaisciaimigaenletintazoi notuslead.2Snotinthe.OBLtempation.OBL Mailivrainoidilomau butdeliver.2Susfromthe.OBLevil.OBL Perhaps I shall send more later. -Elliott ----- Original Message ---- From: Elliott Lash <erelion12@hidden.email> To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com Sent: Friday, August 7, 2009 12:50:31 AM Subject: New Member and Romlang Hello I am a new member here (although some may know me from the Conlang list, as the creator of Silindion). I haven't really done any conlanging for a long time, but recently, I've been playing around with doing a Romlang. This comes from attending several conferences that were very heavy into Romance dialects: first one about Italian Dialects then one about Historical Linguistics. Anyway, the new Romlang is a Northern Italian dialect, with a small twist in grammar: it has cases and three genders This in addition to its subject clitics, makes it kind of cool (in my humble opinion). In phonology, it is somewhat like Italian but also somewhat like Portuguese (and occasionally Romanian). Like Italian, it turns Vulgar Latin -culum sequences into -cchio. Like Portugues, medial ungeminated /l/, /n/ and sometimes /r/ is dropped (but only when after the stress). Like some Northern Italian dialects, medial -t- is dropped (especially in past participles), again when after the stress. Another thing that I decided was cool was Italian 'domandare' from 'demandare'. I have taken this to extreme, so that whenever an original Latin /e/ was in in contact with a labial (even across a /r/ or /l/, then it became /o/. Here is a sample vocabulary (with Vulgar Latin in parentheses) cavallo horse(caballos) touall(totu) fecàliver(fecatu)(neuter) ioscovobishop(epscopos) autaiaaltar(altaria) chorrito look for(querere) castaiobrown(castanjos) mutaìto change(mutare) fomaccheese(formaticu)(neuter) janollawindow(januella) seiaevening(sera) poiafight(pugna) gassuetayoung woman(garsonetta) tervaiaìto work(tripaliare) sambeblood(sanguis) limbatongue(lingua) broveshort(brevis) --------- Okay, now to business. Nouns: Three cases: Nom., Acc., Obl. Masculine: SingularPlural Nom.elcatto (cat)licatti Acclocatlocatto Oblluicattolecatte (illecattosillicatti) (illumcattuilloscattos) (illuicattoilliscattis) Feminine: SingularPlural Nom.lavacca (cow)levacce Acc.lavaccalevacce Obl.levaccelevacce (illavaccaillaevaccae) (illamvaccamillasvaccas) (illae vaccaeillisvaccis) Neuter:losas(rock)lasassa losaslasassa luisassolesasse (<saxo) Other Declensions: 3rd Declension: par(Sg.parri, parri)'father' (Pl.parre, parre, parre) native (Sg. nativai, nativai)'birth' (Pl. nativai, nativai, nativai) reì(Sg.regi,regi)'king' (Plrege, rege, rege) tompo (Sg. tompo, tompori)'time' (Pl. tompora, tompora, tompore) 4th Declension: (mostly replaces by 1st declension) mano (Sg. man, mano)'hand' (Pl mano/mani, mano, mane) 5th Declension:(indeclinable) jie (Sg.jie, jie)'days' (Pljie, jie, jie) ---- Verbs: I won't go into the details now, but here are the subject clitics and one present tense paradigm. vederi 'see' i vijo nevedemo te vedivevedeì a vediiviju a = l' after or before vowels: el mi l vedi 'he sees me' heme3Ssees ---- Two sample texts: A) Something silly: la muie miamil domandacheifojo pe le tervaie thewomanmyme3Saskwhat1SdoI for the.OBL job.OBL Mai nun i fo nigenti pe le tervaie but not 1S do nothing for the.OBL job.OBL Jom'i sijotoalajiealecostedelui fiummi. I1Smesitallthedayatthe.OBLside.OBLofthe.OBL river.OBL Nunitiolatervaia! not1Shavethejob! B) Lords Prayer: El par noç, che t’ e en lui ceu the fatherour that 2S are in the heaven Cheelnomitoasiasantificà thatthenameyou3Sbe.sbjsantified Cheelreiotoavia thatthekingdomyour3Scome.sbj Chelavolontètaasiafait thatthewillyour3Sbe.sbjdone Enleterresil'eagoa misimaen lui ceu in the.OBLearthlike3Sisthis.timesamein the heaven Dainoiujilopaipeaccostejie give.2Pustodaythe.ACCbread.ACC forthis.OBL day Pordoai lo nosciopoccatello pardonthe.ACC.PLour.ACC.PLsins.ACC.PL Sicomo noinepordoamolochecontra noiipoccà likeas we1Ppardonthe.ACC.PLthatagainstus3Psin Nunnilaisciaimigaenletintazoi notuslead.2SnotintheOBLtempation.OBL Mailivrainoidilomau butdeliver.2Susfromthe.OBLevil.OBL Perhaps I shall send more later. -Elliott