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Un aotre fatx 'intressiant' saur la morfonologíe Rhodray: estiant doniad la reghle nella fonologíe históreche del Rhodray che un cluséo sonor nel fin dune paraule es tombiad, e soponent che li riflisç de C^ G^ J^ Letí eran al temp vrieç peletéo au alveopeletéo, /nJ\/ finiáo, alla mesure che existiave, deut devenir /J/! Txes farait li ferm del present de CAMBIARE intrisent: Another 'interesting' fact about Rhodrese morphonology: given the rule in Rhodrese historical phonology that a word-final voiced stop after a nasal is lost, and assuming that the reflexes of Latin C^ G^ J^ were at the time true palatals or alveopalatals, final /nJ\/, to the extent that it existed, ought to become /J/! This would make the present tense forms of CAMBIARE interesting: caugn [kaUJ] cheugn [kyJ] caunget ['kaUndZIt] caungiam [k@Un'dZjam] caungiaç [k@Un'dZjas] caungen ['kaUndZIn] NB che anc -NT fináo absolud de Latí devient _-n_, che es brobablement un caungement plu ancian e separiad, comonc une part della medesse tendence a semplefeghiar li cleustre finéo. Premair che segondair ST es afetx (EST > _es_, ECCE ISTUM _txes_, POST > _pos_, RESTO > _res_), may MP, NT, NC^, NC sigendair no son mige efitx. Se puot sautenir che NG fináo com en LONGUS es ancaure /ng/ ed es escreut _ng_ (_long_), may es realiziad com [N] ([lON]), may [N] sence un [k] au [g] seguent se trovet saulement al fin delli pereul, adeu [Ng] no se trovet mige. NB Latin absolute final -NT also becomes _-n_, which is probably an earlier and separate change, though part of the same tendency to simplify final clusters. Both primary and secondary ST is affected (EST > _es_, ECCE ISTUM > _txes_ POST > _pos_, RESTO > _res_), but secondary MP, NT, NC^, NC are unaffected. Final NG as in LONGUS is arguably still /ng/ and is spelled _ng_ (_long_), but is realized as [N] ([lON]), but [N] without a following [k] or [g] only occurs word-finally, where [Ng] doesn't occur. /BP 8^)>