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James Campbell (zolid.com) skrev:
BPJ eskr� �Jo crair che fe� un erraur ci:8<HABERE havair [@v'aI4] 'to have' *HAO hua [wa] HABES heu [y] *HAT hat [at] HABEMUS havaim [@'vaIm] HABETIS havai� [@'vaIs] *HAUNT haun [aUn]Really nice; pleasing; elegant. :) James
Jo ares realizai un aotre fatx inequitiant: en el preterit (perfetch Lat�) la saule diference entre la 2de persone del singuliar e del pluriao serat che el singuliar hat afec��u! I just realized another disturbing fact: in the preterite (Latin perfect) the only difference between the second person singular and plural will be that the singular has umlaut! *AMASTI hemes [^1] *AMASTES hamas *HABUSTI heveus *HABUSTES havus /Bendetx