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I like it! Padraic --- On Sat, 2/14/09, Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@hidden.email> wrote: From: Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@hidden.email> Subject: [romconlang] New map of Borgonze To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com, conculture@yahoogroups.com Date: Saturday, February 14, 2009, 9:20 AM I have made a new (and ATM definitive ;-) map of Borgonze -- the country in my ATL Lucus where Rhodrese is the national language -- and its neighboring countries. Hopefully it will generate questions which will lead to some fleshing out of the history of Borgonze. <http://melroch. se/lucus/ borgonze/ borgonze_ e_vezintia_ 700.png> /BP 8^)> -- Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch atte melroch dotte se ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ "C'est en vain que nos Josués littéraires crient à la langue de s'arrêter; les langues ni le soleil ne s'arrêtent plus. Le jour où elles se *fixent*, c'est qu'elles meurent." (Victor Hugo) [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]