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Re: Ecce hoc et eccu hic!

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...> 

> Now my question is if anybody are aware of any of the 
> following combinations existing in Romance natlangs.

No, but I can add

*ACCU HIC > Sp. aquí
*ACCU HAC > Sp. acá
*ACCU ISTE > Pt., O.Sp. aqueste
*ACCE ISTE > Rum. acest
*ACCU ILLE > Sp. aquel (cf. Pt., Cat., Occ.)
*ACCU IPSE > Cat. aqueix
*ACCU HOC > Pt. aquo
*ECCU TE ISTU > It. codesto

PS What encoding are you using? My browser can't work it out, and 
I've tried half a dozen manually, with no luck.
