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Re: Intervocalic lenition in Romance

Pete and Carl, I just read your posts, but I don't have them before
me, as I read them in Opera mini but write this in Mobile Gmail
sitting on the train back to Gothenburg. Hence no quoting or
interspersed answers but an old-fashioned reply letter.

As you may know voiceless stop to voiceless fricative lenition of the
kind Pete suggests did occur in Irish, so it's not implausible per se.
Within Romance an unconditioned and subphonemic  fricativization of
voiceless stops occurred in Tuscan. However I have problems seeing
such a lenition occur connected to the Western Romance voicing
lenition. Also fricativizing lenition is not as commonplace a
phenomenon as voicing lenition. Moreover if you follow Hall's
chronology the Western Romance lenition would be too late:  the High
German consonant shift was already (pre)history when OHG writing in
Latin script began early in the ninth century. This means that the
split between Gallo-Romance and Germano-Romance must have occurred
some centuries earlier. It may however well be that Hall's absolute
chronology is in error. I don't know how Hall would have reconciled
his late dating of lenition with the fact that confusion of voiceless
and voiced stop letters PB, TD, CG occurs in late imperial age
inscriptions! Even in Rome itself, whose modern dialect is not
leniting. This means that voicing of intervocalic stops was already
then so widespread that a stonecutter coming from the west could find
employment in Rome in spite of making such spelling mistakes! I'm
worried however by the thought of a language which first undergoes
lenition and then the High German consonant shift: the combined result
of fricativizing lenition plus HGCS would practically be that you get
voiced fricatives corresponding to Latin voiced stops and voiceless
stops corresponding to Latin voiced stops, which of course may be what
you want. The combined results of voicing lenition and HGCS would
cancel each other out, since you would get t > d > t! Or do you want
to abandon HGCS?


/ BP