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Re: [romconlang] re: Verner & Paternoster II

Daniel Prohaska <daniel@hidden.email> wrote: 
  > The stressed vowel in WGmc *watar was short. Length in English, Dutch and
> Low Saxon is owing to different developments of lengthening.
  > Dan 
Well, that blows me out of the   *watar   then - I can't give a consistent explanation. I have two sources telling me /t/[V] after short /a/ didn't change, and /watar/ > /vass@r/ showing otherwise.
  I'll put it down to being a novel feature IMOC for now, but I'd love to know how the discrepancy slipped in. Must be some other conditioning feature I'm unaware of, or I've managed to misunderstand two different books!  I feel some more study coming on when I return home.
  The irony of all this is, I actually prefer /pasr/ to /patr/.

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