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Well, lessee. Spanish ha niñ[oa]/chic[oa]/muchach[oa], in increasing order by age. In Portuguese I only know rapaz/menina, which I think map most closely to muchach[oa]. I assume that rapaz is related to Italian ragazz[oa] for boy/girl, but I don't know where menina came from... and of course French has garçon and . . . what's the feminine of that? Fille? Isn't that "daughter"? It is an odd assortment... On 10/15/07, B Garcia <Montrei13@hidden.email> wrote: > > I was working on a few words of vocabulary in Montreiano and I hit a > snag. See, the words for man and woman are easy: ôm and fema. However, > looking at the words for young boy and young girl in different Romance > languages poses problems, because I cannot find any common > correspondences among them. What would a likely pan-Ibero-Romance > equivalent be? Would it be something like nino/a? > > -- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@hidden.email> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]