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Hi! I would like to announce my new romlang Terkunan [tErku'nan] or 'Tarragonian'. It was designed to be what I feel is an elegant romlang derived from Vulgar Latin. In contrast to ï¿œrjï¿œtrunn, there is not one strict set of sound changes taken from another existing natlang, but a set compiled by my personal preferences. (Are there names to distinguish these two types of conlangs?) Some sound changes: - drop of initial unstressed i-: imperium > mperi - drop of final vowels: panem > pan - no palatalisation: caelum > kel - l > r shifts: blancum > branke - syncope: hominem > ombre - r..r dissimilation: regnum > ringle - epenthesis: insula > istre The idea that started this conlang was a vowel shift, namely the collapse of the Vulgar Latin seven vowel system of /a e E i o O u/ into /a e i o u/. The collapsed happened in several steps: In Vulgar Roman times, the seven vowel system acquired a new non-phonemic length in open syllables. This length distinction then influenced how the seven phonemic vowels collapsed into five: /e:/ and /E:/ both collapsed into /e:/ = [e:] (and /o:/ and /O:/ into /o:/ = [o:]). And both /i/ and /e/ collapsed into /i/ = [I] (and /u/ and /o/ into /u/ = [U]). The pronunciation of the phones today is just like in Classical Latin again, only length is now non-phonemically selected by openness of the syllable: /e:/ [e:] /e/ [E] /i:/ [i:] /i/ [I] ... This leads to the following modern words (it's all about the first vowel in each word here): fe:mina > fimbre [fImbre] classical [e:] in closed syl. => modern 'i' fe:li:cem > felike [felike] classical [e:] is open syl. => modern 'e' sexa > ses [sEs] classical [E] in closed syl. => modern 'e' decem > deke [deke] classical [E] in open syl. => modern 'e' Because of this, some words will probably have irregular i-e or u-o alterations in derivations or in the plural (but I have no examples yet) when the openness of syllables changes. A first sketch is here (including grammar which I neglected in this post): http://www.kunstsprachen.de/s25/ And here's the first text: Mis Patre [mIs 'patre] Mis patre, k'es n'kels, [mIs 'patre 'kes N=kEls] Es bendika tu nombre. ['es bEn'dika tu 'nOmbre] Vena tu ringle. ['vena tu 'rINgle] Es fika tu volat, ['es 'fika tu vo'lat] Komu n'kel si n'ter. ['komuN kEl sin tEr] Odiu dar a mis le mis pan ['odju da ra mIs le mIs pan pe katu di. pe 'katu di] I perdonar a mis le mis devats, [i pEr'dona ra mIs le mIs de'vats] Si komu mis perdonar ils a [si 'komu mIs pEr'dona rIl sa mis devators. mIs de'vatOrs] I no nduka mis n'tentasion, [i nOn 'duka mIs n=tEnta'sjOn] Ma libera mis de mal. [ma li'bera mIs de mal] Ka de tu es ringle i pot i glori, [ka de tu es 'rINgle i pOt i 'glori] In eterne, [In e'tErne] Amin. [a'mIn] What do you think? **Henrik