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On 2/23/07, theiling@hidden.email <theiling@hidden.email> wrote:
Hi! Is the sound shift /gl/ > /gr/ and/or /kl/ > /kr/ attested in Romance?
The one example I know of is actually metathesis: periglo > peligro. Ralph Penny says that in Spanish, initial /gl/ at least simply dropped the intial /g/: GLIRE + suffix > lirón GLATTIRE > latir GLOBELLU > luviello > ovillo (the initial /l/ came to be perceived as part of the article, supposedly: el luviello > el uviello > ovillo)
Or at least, would you think it's feasible like the /bl/ > /br/ in pt. 'branco' < BLANCU(M)?
Sure, why not?
I am thinking about 'grorie' < GLORIA(M) in a new toy romlang I started yesterday.
Interesting, although, shamefully I can't help but hearing it as if it belongs on engrish.com