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Re: [romconlang] Re: lingua romance confortabile

Jacques Deh�e skrev:
> I mean a successful romance conlang, not a cryptogram !
> Cheers, Jacques

May sutxes nones el medeis paull <<linguist ausciliar>> ed
el <<artist lingu�stec>>! No crair che ancaure une lenghe
cinstrutxe ausciliar -- enquant txi son melt! -- poudet
escaulir algun bisegn che il gint rom� puoden tiendre a
comunichiar entre se. Sutxes paur me es estxitiar el sens
est�tec de mestes ed eltre artist lingu�stic, che es almen
un scop atenaul! Jo no affront ausciliarist paur doniar nem
mel a seu criac��. Sen� nau entresset restuam en silen�
e las�uam li fiar su� cause sen� judi� de valaur.


But success is not the same for the auxlanger and the
artlanger! I don't think that another constructed auxlang --
of which there are many! -- can satisfy any need which the
Roman peoples may have to communicate with each other.
Success for me is to excite the aesthetic sense of myself
and other artlangers, which is at least an attainable goal!
I don't affront auxlangers by giving their creations bad
names. If I'm not interested I rest in silence and let them
do their thing without value judgements.


/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

"And therefore every care must be taken that our
auxiliaries, being stronger than our citizens, may
not grow to be too much for them and become savage
tyrants instead of friends and allies."
                   -- Plato (The Republic, Book 3, 416b)