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Re: [romconlang] Re: [relay] OT: Romconlanging

On 26/01/2007 05:47, Eric Christopherson wrote:
On Jan 25, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
Michael Weiss at Cornell used to have PDF drafts of his _Outline of
the Comparitive Grammar of Latin_ online <http://ling.cornell.edu/
people/Weiss/weiss.html>, but that's going to receive official
publication soon (later this year?), so it's down now.

Ouch, it's too bad he took those down. I stumbled upon them a while ago, and I know I at least bookmarked them, but unfortunately I don't think I actually saved them. His page does say to email him for newer versions - does anyone know if that means he will send you draft PDFs, or is he likely to just give you information on purchasing the book?

Dunno -- I did save PDFs from not too many months back, so I've just hung on to those while I wait to see how the book is when it comes out. Much like the Sihler grammar, there's lots of good PIE info in Weiss's stuff.

I did mail to ask about publication, rather than the PDFs, and this was the reply:
Anyhow, I'm sending it to my publisher (Beechstave Press, Ann Arbor) this January.  Look for it to come out toward the end of 2007.

On 26/01/2007 05:47, Eric Christopherson wrote:
Also, I'm trying to remember the conlang I read about that was a fairly Latin-like IE language, and it had modern forms parallelling the Romance languages.

Ooo, fun -- if you (or anyone) remembers what it's called, do please pass any info along. I'd like to see what others have done. (I'm doing my work on this in aid of a fiction project, so mostly concerning myself with elements for proper names and specific terminology. Dodging the need to worry about verbs speeds things up ;) but I'm still a very slow worker!)


Carl Edlund Anderson