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Re: [romconlang] Pater Noster in Þjrótrunn

Absolutely first class, as usual!


----- Original Message ----- From: <theiling@hidden.email>
To: <romconlang@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 2:11 PM
Subject: [romconlang] Pater Noster in ï¿œjrï¿œtrunn


After a long hiatus, I finally completed the Pater Noster in

   Patir nostir, tᅵ tᅵg ert ᅵ kjalsa,
   Settiᅵikist nᅵminnsu tᅵ.
   Rᅵgnsu tᅵ vin.
   Oltirsa tvo sjᅵ ᅵᅵtt, kvᅵsig ᅵ tjarrsa tᅵg ᅵ kjᅵlsu.
   Kᅵttiᅵun pᅵnsu nostur dᅵtu nᅵfur hᅵᅵi.
   Perdᅵttu nᅵfur dᅵfit nostur tᅵg eᅵ nᅵr perdᅵᅵmur dᅵftrifur nostur.
   ᅵdᅵktu nᅵr nᅵ ᅵ tjattatjᅵn, mᅵ lifratu nᅵr ᅵ mᅵld.
   Kvor tvᅵ er rᅵgnsu, potirsu eᅵ glᅵrsa hᅵkur eᅵ itinmett.

For more easy decyphring, I will give the text with constructed
intermediate forms from which the words derive.  Please note that this
is an oversimplification, since many shifts happened by analogy.  This
is given for making reading the text easier:

   Pater noster, tu tanquam es in celos-ipsos,
   Sanktificet-se nominem-ipsum tuum.
   Regnum-ipsud tuum veniat.
   Voluntas-ipsa tua siat facta, quo-sic in terra, tamquam in celum-ipsud.
   Cottidianum panem-ipsum nostrum da-tu nobis hodie.
Perdona-tu nobis debitum nostrum tanquam et nos perdonamus debitatoribus

   Induc-tu nos ne in tentationem, magis libera-tu nos ab malud.
   Quare tui est regnum-ipsud, potere-ipsud, et gloria-ipsa hac-hora et


What do you think?
