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RE: [romconlang] Re: lingua romance confortabile

Je regrette, Jacques, quand je suis tres fatigue comme ce soir, c'est
presque impossible de comprendre que tu as ecrit. Je veux lire ce que tu as
ecrit mais a cet heure je ne comprends rein. Si tu ecris en cette langue,
SVP, donnez-nous une traduction anglais aussi. Quand j'ecris en Regimonti,
tousjours je donne une traduction.
Ce lu somnu vivie puren,is
Que le sommeil vive tousjours


From: romconlang@yahoogroups.com [mailto:romconlang@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Jacques Dehée
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 9:24 PM
To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [romconlang] Re: lingua romance confortabile

Bon die,

Inter-romance recerca et asembla con un ortografia semplificate

le partes comun al linguas romance .

Iste asemblage es un construction, un creation, dunque

un conlingua.

Per realismo Inter-romance non pretende ser comprehensibile

per chineses, arabes, etc., ma le mundo occidental con le Americas

per exemplo es ja un universo considerabile con valor imense.

Le conjugationes del linguas portuguese, espaniol, italian,

francese, etc. son extrememente complicate, iregular.

Le conjugation d'Inter-romance es regular e minimal, excepte

so (I am), son (are) e ho (I have) pro le verbos "ser" e "haber". 

Personalmente io comprende le linguas portuguese, espaniol, 

italian, francese, rumane, etc, poste haber studiate les.

Ma sin studio iste linguas son dificilmente intercompehensibile.

Lor parte comun al contrario es comprehensibile in Inter-romance.

Es mi creativita. 

Be creative now !

Amicalmente, Jacques


--- In romconlang@yahoogro <mailto:romconlang%40yahoogroups.com> ups.com,
"Barry Garcia" <Montrei13@...> 
> On 1/26/07, Jacques Dehée <jacquesdehe@...> wrote:
> > Inter-romance es un lingua construite, dunque non native.
> Si, pois, deond es la vantaja d'inter-romance contra las lenguas
> nativas? De que poio io ver, inter-romance apareçeu como un pastix 
> palavras de lenguas diferents. A mi, non la teineu coêsón.
> Yes, but, where is the advantage of inter-romance against native
> languages? From what I can see, inter-romance appears as a 
pastiche of
> words from different languages. It doesn´t have cohesion.
> > Inter-romance non pretende devenir un lingua auxiliar mundial.
> Pora, queireu la ser una lengua auxiliar pora eu mundo latino, si?
> But, it wants to be an auxilliary language for the Latin wold, 
> >
> > Inter-romance permite me de ser comprendite per occidental 
> > regretabilemente anque per fanaticos hiper-agresive.
> Una declaraçón grandisima! Si enteindes tu italiano, latino o 
> poies entender tu inter-romance, si non enteindes tu esas lenguas, 
> es tan façiu como creies tu.
> A very grand statement! If you understand Italian, Latin, or 
> you can understand inter-romance, if you don´t understand those
> languages, it isn´t as easy as you think.
> >
> > Comprehensibilita d'Inter-romance es su apertura, su sanita
> > e su honesta.
> Grandisima de las grandisimas! EmÍ apertura, emí saniá, emí ônesta?
> Creio io que faulas tu pora tu mismo, amiguino.
> Grandest of the grand! My opening, my health, my honest(y)? I think
> that you speak for yourself, buddy.
> Most of us here make our languages to be comfortable for us. We 
> pretend to make them for any higher ideal, which is the trap
> auxlangers fall into, that a "neutral" world language will save us
> all. However, no one can agree on what is "neutral", even those
> auxlangs which have simple phonologies always have someone saying
> "It's not simple for such and such speakers!". I think if you are 
> remain here, you may as well start writing in English, and learn 
> the various romance languages here, rather than extolling the 
> of Inter-romance over other languages.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]