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Re: [romconlang] Re: [relay] OT: Rhodrese

Henrik Theiling skrev:
> Hi!
> Benct Philip Jonsson writes:
>> ... So perhaps analogical sg. _lenghe_ and pl. _ling_ or
>> even sg. _lengï¿œe_ and pl. _lingo_? I hereby declare a
>> referendum! :-)
> Ok! I like the spelling lenghe/ling most, although I don't
> understand why the stem vowel changes.

It's the plural formation. Regular from -i: and -e:s > -i:
of the second and third declension and then i-umlaut of the
stem vowel. In the first declension umlaut plurals are
probably analogical.

The other place in the grammar where i-umlaut is notable is
in the second person singular present indicative of the
verb. There are also a- and u-umlaut, though the former is
mostly not visible synchronically and the other affects only
A: you will get _o, ua_ in masculine adjectives and nouns
where the corresponding feminines have _a, ia_, likewise in
the first person singular of verbs against the third person.
