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Re: [relay] OT: Rhodrese

Jo hay screut:

Chritx� de Val hat screut:

- ue:  /2/ (/�/).
So |lengue| is pronounced /'lENg2/?  Surprising...
No the _guV_ rule applies here:

- gu:  /gw/ before a vowel.

Maybe the spelling should be _lenguhe_, but since
the plural is _ling_ anyway, perhaps the singular should
be _lenghe_ by analogy.


I daresay unstressed final /2/ hardly exists, BTW.

The spelling lenguhe would be /leN'gu@/, so which of
_l�nguhe_ and _leng�e_ would be best? The _�_ would be a new
grapheme, but there would be some other cases where it comes
in useful, like AQUA > _ag�e/�guhe_.  I find the _-guhe_
spellings ugly, though.

Since the wholly regular reflex of LINGUAE would be _lingo_,
perhaps  the singular should be spelled _lingoe_, although
that would have been ambiguous in Old Rhodrese where oe was
a spelling for /2/ as i-affection of /o/ -- this Old
Rhodrese /2/ later unrounded to /e/, whereafter Old Rhodrese
/H2/ _ue_ monophthongized to a new /2/, the one preserved in
modern Rhodrese.

So perhaps analogical sg. _lenghe_ and pl. _ling_ or even
sg. _leng�e_ and pl. _lingo_? I hereby declare a referendum! :-)


/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

   a shprakh iz a dialekt mit an armey un flot

                                (Max Weinreich)