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Working on a translation of the Babel text into Rieneç. The first couple of paragraphs are below - love to know what you think. Still working on the grammar - at the moment its a bit too French (although as I have my N.Rom. lang branching off from Gallo Romance at a very early time, and not evolving directly from VL, I suppose it should have a *bit* of a French flavour). I have a few accented characters in the orthographic text, which in case they don't display correctly for you: ç is c-cedilla t is tailed t / hooked t (t "cedilla") á is a-acute ó is o-acute **************** Ae so timps tos la ter farlebt la messem ling e tenniebint lus messem farols. Emegrant de l'órint, lus homs desçcóvriebint un çamps grand dint lu fac de Scinar e els sie stebliebint for elç. Els sie daeciebint l'uns a l'ater: "Anlems, ffáçims de lus bacstens e çoquinems-lus a lu ffoç." Iesi els usebent lus bacstens quom feters e lu bissum lor sirviebt de çaemint. Fósç els daeciebint: "Anlems, construms nus un vell e un tur dond lu somms átingerabt deosç a lu çael. /ai so tsimps tsos la tser pfa:rlebt la mesem ling e: tseni:b@nt lus mesem pfa:rols/ /e:megrant de l2rint lus homs de:Sk2fri:bint un kxamps grand dints lu pfax de Si:nar e: els si: stebli:b@nt pfor elx/ /els si: daici:b@nt luns a lats@r anl@ms fexims de lus bakSte:ns e: kxokinems lus a lu fox i:si els u:seb@nt lus bakSte:ns kvom pfetsers e: lu bissum lor s@rfi:bt de kxaimint/ /pf2S els daixi:b@nt anl@ms konstrums nu:s un fel e: un tsu:r dond lu somms etsiN@rabt deoS a lu kxail/ maybe... (!?): [ai so simps tsos l@ ser fa:lept l@ mes@m link e : ts@ni:b@nd lus mesem fa:rols] [e:m@gren de l2rint lus oms te:Sk@f_vrib@nd un xamps grant ints lu faC de Si:nar e: els si st@bli:b@nt f@r elC] [els si daicib@nd luns a lats@r anl@ms feCims t@ lus bakSte:nz e: xokin@ms lus al foC i:si elz u:zeb@nt lus bakSte:ns kvom fetsrz e: lu bissum lor s@rf_vi:bt de xaimint] [f2S elz daixi:b@nt anl@ms konstr@ms nu:z un fel e: un su:r dont lu sommz etsink@r@pt djoS a lu xail] or something like that. I'm too tired to think it through properly right now! Pete. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]