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Re: [romconlang] My Romlang #3


Benct Philip Jonsson <melroch@hidden.email> writes:
> Some very sketchy stuff on my Romlang #3 is at
> <http://wiki.frath.net/User:Melroch/Romlang_3_sketch>
> In particular I wonder if the tables are intelligible?

Almost. :-)

However, /ks/ > /sk/ is great!

I am so unsatisfied with /re:ks/ and /vi:ksi:/ in Latin -- it just
does not derive well into Þrjótrunn.  In the latter case, I even use
the supine stem in the preterite (former perfect), so 'I lived' is 'já
ýkti'.  With a metathesis, the perfect stem would very nicely become
'já ýski' /jau): i:scI/!

May I steal it? :-)
