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Well, I was translating some stuff by Bécquer into descubralía and i discovered that sometimes I use -i and sometimes -í (and sometimes even -ií) on the end of masculine nouns and adjectives, mostly aesthetically, but I'm trying to figure out if there is a logical explanation for it? I do the same with -u and -ú but they don't sound different at all, so that doesn't matter much. Here is the poem, with a * after every relvant noun or adjective and a list of the spanish versions below. _Rimu XLI_ Tú lí huracán sye, í io lú altu Torde qui desafifu su poder: Qui estreiarti u abartirmi tinífus!... Piudífu ser nio! Tú lí océani*, í io lú ehiestu Rocu qui firme su vaivén aguardií: Qui romperti u qui ardancarmi tinifus! Piudífu ser nio! Hermosu tú, yo altiví*; acostumbríts Ín a ardoiar, lí otrí a ceder nio: Lú sendu estretiu, nievítabli lí tioque... Piudífu ser nio! *océano, altiví relatedly, I do the same on verbs ending in -í though I'm better about it, like i randomly added i before í on aguardií (aguarda) on this one i was pretty consistent about -u, but other times I use -ú consistently (sometimes the same words) I hope my question made sense!