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Re: [romconlang] Semito-Romance

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>

> To those of you who are interested in
> Semito-Romance conlangs:

Or even Romance conlangs in general...
> Have you ever seen a language called Linka
> Rom�nika? It was created
> by Dana Hadar. Here it is: 

Never heard of it, but thanks for the link!
> <http://www.linka-romanika.narod.ru/>.

Some comments in no particular order:

I wonder why the -a dropped off of profeta -- the
-a was pretty engrained in that kind of word.

The rather conservative form Deus is unusual --
though I think it's normal in Ptg. (?)

She can't quite settle on a 3s of be. At one time
it's son (must come from the 3pl -- very strange,
since the other 3s forms like creava derive
neatly from older 3s forms -- and then later it's

The single form article il / un must be an Arabic
influence, as is the convention of using a dash.

Spellings with K in stead of C is just plain
wrong for Romance. ;) I'd have prefered Q to K!

Looks like the past pples have been levelled to a
single form in -ada; and ones that are usually
irregular like construir have been regularised.

I'm terribly relieved it's not an Auxlang.

Lua has to be Italian (?).

I assume "tal" and "derivanda" are errors for
"en" and "derivada".

It's very readable: apart from a "common stock"
of modern Islamic terms, like shahada and Allah,
and the surface affectation of attaching the
article to the noun with a dash, I don't detect
anything particularly Semitic. Even the sounds
are pretty standard Romance.

> Now, what do you think of it?

Pretty cool. I get the idea that the author is
not familiar with Romance languages -- but I
could be wrong. A fuller description would have
been nice too.

> Jan

That was the end of the woman in the woods,
Weela Weela wallia
And that was the end of her bawbee too
Down by the river Sallia

The moral of this story is,
Weela weela wallia;
Don't stick knives in baby's heads
Down by the river Sallia. 


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
