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--- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote: > I agree. But what about considering of moving the > cathedra/bemah/pulpit > (whatever you call it) to the center on the > congregation as they do in > synagogues? It permits the reader still to be faced > mizrach (conventional > "east"), but the congragation is able to turn and > watch him, facing the > bemah in the center! > > -- Yitzik Clever, but it would mean a rather different exterior architecture as well as interior. You'd end up with a building shaped like a synagogue or a mosque rather than a cruciform church with naves, etc. Wasn't that structure established really early? Adam Jin xividjilud djal su�u ed falud ul Jozevu pomu instanchid ul andjelu djul Dominu sivi, ed idavi achibid jun al su sposa. Ed nun aved cu�uxud ad sivi ancha nadud jan ad ul sua huiju primodjindu ed cuamad il su numi ul Jezu. Machu 1:24-25