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Re: [romconlang] A question to get the list talking again

--- Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email> wrote:

> --- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:
> > > > I take it they mix a kind of doughy bread
> > > > (perhaps almost a flatbread) with wine? In
> > the
> > > > Eastern church, it's sort of spooned out.
> > >
> > > Ewww!  You're kidding, right?  No I guess
> > > not.  Oh, I'm gonna be ill.
> > 
> > Padraic is not kidding. In ROC they indeed mix
> > leavened bread with diluted wine...
> It's not so bad as to make one ill...it's
> actually quite good! It's just moist, not soggy.
> The wine used is diluted and so not enough to gag
> one. And it is indeed delivered to the tongue via
> a kind of spoon. It is v�ry bad form to close the
> mouth on the spoon.
> Contrast with the RCC, which generally uses
> pressed chips. They're very dry and crispy. I'm
> not sure what Protestant churches use.

It varries from church to church, sometimes with in
the same denomination.  I have taken communion with
the bread in the from of tiny individual crackers the
size of the tip of your finger (sold especially for
communion use), broken saltines, broken matzoh, torn
baguettes, dinner rolls, etc.  I don't think I've ever
been served light bread, but I wouldn't be shocked by
it.  All the details of a Communion service tend to be
very fluid in the churches I've attended.  In fact the
church I now attend does it two different ways, one on
Sunday mornings with unleavend bread and the other on
Wed. nights with leavened.

> There is also a cantor in the Eastern churches
> I've been to, who like the chazan is the one who
> leads the congregation in singing.
> Padraic.
> > -- Yitzik

Oh, I like that idea.  I think the Donatists will
borrow it.  Now what will they call this position . .


Jin xividjilud djal su�u ed falud ul Jozevu pomu instanchid ul andjelu djul Dominu sivi, ed idavi achibid jun al su sposa. Ed nun aved cu�uxud ad sivi ancha nadud jan ad ul sua huiju primodjindu ed cuamad il su numi ul Jezu.

Machu 1:24-25