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Re: [romconlang] Carraxa Jews

On Jan 10, 2006, at 5:56 PM, Adam Walker wrote:
Well, the real world reason is that I stumbled across
them one day on-line and found the concept
fascinating.  The historical reason *there* is from
the web pages I found which claim that Rabinic Judaism
was a localized phenomenon in Babylonia until after
the Arab conquest.  These sites claim that it was
after the conquest that Rabinic Judaism spread through
the whole Muslim empire after the Arabs gave it
official status.  They also calim that Jewish
resistance to the new forms was especially stiff in
the eastern parts of the empire where the Jews had
never before even heard of the Talmud.  That would
mean Carraxa would be one of those areas that would
have resisted.  (Gee, imagine a Carraxan resisting!)
It seemed to fit with the spirit of the Carraxan
Adam who is willing to be corrected on any

Interesting... these were Karaite websites? 'Cause us Rabbanites claim the opposite, that Karaism was invented in Babylonia (partially due to a political struggle over the position of Exilarch), and then spread to other Jewish communities. While Babylonia ended up being the preeminent center of Rabbinic Judaism and the Oral Torah tradition, the Rabbinic system of Jewish Law already existed in other communities, such as Egypt, Italy and the Rhine Valley (="Ashkenaz") -- they just originally followed the Israeli tradition when it came to individual legal rulings and customs; they eventually switched over (in part or in whole) to the Babylonian legal schools when they became acknowledged as superceding the Israeli ones in prestige.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "I am talking to you about poetry
  and you say
  when do we eat.
  The worst of it is
  I'm hungry too."
     ~ _communication_ by alicia partnoy