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Re: [romconlang] Re: British latin and Italo Romance

--- pituxalina <pituxalina@hidden.email> wrote:

> > While Andrew hasn't necessarily reconstructed
> > 6th
> > century British Romance as a full fledged
> > language, his work is based on such an
> > historical speculation.
> I can just read his reconstructed british
> romance.   

Try this one too:
It's not supposed to be "historically correct"
like Brithenig, mind.

> The thing is that
> Latin was used to the total exclusion of the
> romance languages between
>  Julius Caesar's time and Charlemagne's time
> and later.   

Quite true. Until quite late!

> There is
> some evidence that the Latin written might have
> been the written mode
> of Proto-Italian, Proto-Spanish,
> Proto-provencal, Proto-french and
> other proto languages...at least up to the
> early 9th century prior to
> Alcuin's/Charlemagnes Latin reform.
> Still, It would be interesting to see what
> Italian, Spanish,
> Provencal, Friulian and other romance
> proto-languages would have
> sounded like between 300-800 A.D.

Your best bet would be to look into books, like
C.H. Grandgent's "An Introduction to Vulgar
Latin"; M�ller and Taylor's "A Chrestomathy of
Vulgar Latin"; Palmer's "The Latin Language". I
don't have anything specific on Italian or
British Romance, but you can certainly send an
email to Andrew Smith and ask him what his
sources for British Vulgar Latin were; because I
know his conlang is intended to be a careful
reconstruction of what mighta / should oughta


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