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Re: British latin and Italo Romance

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Padraic Brown <elemtilas@y...> wrote:
> --- pituxalina <pituxalina@y...> wrote:
> > What would British Latin and Italo Romance from
> > the 6th century look like.   I have never seen
> > any reconstructions...especially in phrase or >
> sentence form!
> In the 500s, I'd doubt that Romance was much
> different from Vulgar Latin almost regardless of
> region.
> You could have a shufty at Brithenig for a very
> likely outcome of 6th century British Romance:
> <http://hobbit.griffler.co.nz/introduction.html>
> While Andrew hasn't necessarily reconstructed 6th
> century British Romance as a full fledged
> language, his work is based on such an historical
> speculation.

I can just read his reconstructed british romance.   The thing is that
Latin was used to the total exclusion of the romance languages between
 Julius Caesar's time and Charlemagne's time and later.   There is
some evidence that the Latin written might have been the written mode
of Proto-Italian, Proto-Spanish, Proto-provencal, Proto-french and
other proto languages...at least up to the early 9th century prior to
Alcuin's/Charlemagnes Latin reform.

Still, It would be interesting to see what Italian, Spanish,
Provencal, Friulian and other romance proto-languages would have
sounded like between 300-800 A.D.

If anyone can help me with this endeavor, I would be grateful.
> Padraic.
>    --Glastein Quarters
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