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Re: Uchunate: The Bird and the Mouse

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4" <theophilus88@h...> 
> Classical Fortunatian (Uchunata)
> Fsa ab pich mattunar, fsa carft fsau borm;
> Fsa mux pech xcuta, fsa carft fsau quex.
> [fsa'ab pit_S mattu'nar] ['fsa 'karft fso'b8rm]
> [fsa'muS pet_S 'Skuta] ['fsa karft fso'keS]
> The early bird gets the worm;
> the mouse that follows gets the cheese.

Modern  Fortunatian (Ausaunada < Uchunata)
Tha av pes mataunar, tha card tha barm;
Tha mus pe`s scuda, tha card tha ques.
[Ta'aB pes mato'n_dar] ['Ta 'kard TA'barm]
[Ta'mus pEs 'skuda] ['Ta kard TA'kes]
The early bird gets the worm;
the mouse that follows gets the cheese.