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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4" <theophilus88@h...> wrote: > Classical Fortunatian > Fsa ab pich mattunar, fsa carft fsau borm; > Fsa mux pech xcuta, fsa carft fsau quex. > [fsa'ab pit_S mattu'nar] ['fsa 'karft fso'b8rm] > [fsa'muS pet_S 'Skuta] ['fsa karft fso'keS] > The early bird gets the worm; > the mouse that follows gets the cheese. Good ole Jovian: Mautine ja aeve caeve en veirme, sed xunde ih mure cive en caesu. [mo'ti:n jajv kajv em mErm] [se tSund i mu:r ki:v eN gajz] Of course, the more traditional form of the first part would be the rhyme: Mautine a aeve, un veirme ja caeve. [mo'ti:n @ 'najv @m 'mErm j@ 'kajv] "An early bird, a worm she catches." -- Christian Thalmann