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Re: Anglo-Spanish: Beginning Sketches

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory H. Bontrager"
<GregBont@e...> wrote:

> â                                  English "a" as in "cat"

> g                                  before `e' or `i', as in 
> English "gentle"; 

> î                                   as in English "will"

> j                                   as in English

> û                                  as in English "but"

> th                                 as in English

Just as it may be implausible for Merkans to learn to 
conjugate out of free will, I can't see the Hispanophones 
adopt these very English sounds.  Spanish accent is mostly
characterized by the mispronunciation of exactly those 
sounds.  I'd propose to map â onto a, j onto ch, î onto i,
û onto o or a and th onto t, s or f.

I've always found the attachedness of English-native
conlangers to /I/ and /V/ rather strange.  You see them in
exceedingly many "first langs" by Merkans, even if the rest
of the vowel system is rather spartan.

-- Christian Thalmann