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New poll for romconlang

Enter your vote today!  A new poll has been created for the 
romconlang group:

I saw that there were no polls in this 
group and thought it would be 
interesting to put one up.  To get a 
feel for the lingual makeup of this 
group and what natlangs may influence 
different conlangers, the question is 
this: what natural Romance language(s) 
do you have at least a decent and 
somwehat articulatory knowledge of? 

  o Latin 
  o Spanish 
  o French 
  o Italian 
  o Portuguese 
  o Romanian 
  o Catalan 
  o Occitan/Provencal 

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are 
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups 
web site listed above.
