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Re: Anglo-Romance

>>What kind of Anglo-Romance are you thinking of? If Brithenig is 
through Brittonic>Welsh sound changes, are you thinking of putting 
through Germanic>OE sound changes? 

To me, the most authentic and enthralling way to approach an Anglo-
Latin language is to somehow base it on an alternate history in 
which the Romans occupied Britain in the same way and time period as 
they did Gaul and the Iberian peninsula.  The question we ask in 
creating this conlang is: What if Anglo-Saxon/Old English had melded 
with Latin in much the same way as Celtiberian/Visigothic melded 
with Latin to yield Spanish and Gaulish/Frankish melded with Latin 
to yield French?  To me, it would be a matter of examining Old 
English/Anglo-Saxon text (Beowulf, perhaps), analyzing the basics of 
Old English/Anglo-Saxon orthography, phonology, and grammar, and 
then systematically blending these aspects with Classical or Vulgar 
Latin to yield a language that hypothesizes what English would have 
been like had it gone the way of Celtiberian and Frankish and become 
a full-fledged Western Romance language.  

I think, if done well, this hypothetical Romance English would have 
a grammar that very much resembled that of Spanish, French, and 
Italian but would have some very Anglican phonological and 
orthographical aspects.

The capstone of authenticity would be to give the language a 
Latinate name that reflected its "English" appropriation.  Anglican 
or Anglese or something like that.