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Re: [romconlang] Anglo-Romance

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>

>  --- Clockwork Angel skrzypszy: 
> > Are there any Anglo-Romance conlangs out
> there?  
> As far as I know, not. 

I always thought it would have been an
interesting project to continue with the
historical Anglo-Norman. Not my cup o tea,
though, historical conlanging.

Of course, we've got Spanglish here in the
States, but I guess that's more a natural fusion
of Romance with English than it is a conlang, but
that sort of cultural millieu might be a good
starting point for someone interested in taking
that course. There are a couple works on the
language, too.

> And since I have spent quite some time
> collecting and cataloguing romlangs, I'm pretty
> sure there is none.

Did you get my Example Language? As I recall, the
discussion was about what makes a language
"Romance" or "Germanic" -- vocabulary or grammar.
Many people think English is either Romance or
ought to have a special "half-Romance" category
on account of all its French vocabulary. So, I
decided to "settle" the issue with "Omni Gall es
divided in tres parts..."

Every English word is replaced with a Latin root,
and even the English function words are replaced
by Latin roots. The point was to show that
grammar is really what determines the linguistic
affinity, so you'll note that gramatical endings
are English, word order and syntax are English.
It certainly "looks" Latinate/Romance.

> Strange as it may seem, the actual number of
> what-if romlangs is still pretty limited. 

How many have you catalogued?

> > I've only seen mention of one (called, aptly,
> Anglo-Romance), but 
> > the description was that it was basically
> English with a lot more 
> > Latinate words, rather than an actual
> conlang.
> Yeah. There is also some French/English hybrid
> language. It's called
> "Frenglish" or something. But I'm sure that's
> not what you are after either.

Is that like Franglais?

> Jan

spaltamananam mananaspaltar sactatray�y: p�tr�man potr�y sactafilt�y; camtamanstapurncanar ecca�astahtasactacatliq�xawi�taq��ax�ttasactafolyan holtanite-co holtanihal-to carxxaralhan tlasolimtalhan. xomin.

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[Divine Liturgy of St. Thomas, Teleran]


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