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Re: Digest Number 210

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Rodlox R" <rodlox@h...> wrote:
>   huge thanks to everyone who commented.
> > > > >  anybody have any thoughts about it? (it's in
> > > > > the Files section).
> >
> >Dude, you just took an arbitrary slice out of an
> >online dictionary, with very inaccurate glosses
> >(which isn't your fault, strictly speaking...  but
> >still, a tool misused is not necessarily a bad
> >tool) and had the computer make one or two automatic
> >letter subsitutions.  I'm all for supporting new and
> >inexperienced conlangers, but that's just lazy.
> actually...that was a suggestion to me...from a more experienced 
> -- that I start out wýth letter replacement...and advance from 
> there...particularly if I wanted to evolve NatLangs.
> >
> >Your "unnamed conlang" as posted on the conlang list
> >is already a lot more original.
> thank you.
> >  Less automation,
> >more manual work, that's the way.  Takes a lot more
> >time, granted, but at least you'll end up with an
> >artwork of your own,
> true.
> >*the* translation.  For example, you have "abide" as
> >the translation of *29* different Latin words!
> >Doesn't that seem strange to you?
> yes...but so does a lot of things.
> :)
> >Hope that helps.
> Immensely!
> >Remember you can always retcon history and population migration if
> >necessary (mercenaries are useful here).
> >You clearly favor palatalization, which is a good starting point.
> yep...just as soon as I understand the word...palatalization...
> >You seem to favor dropping final vowels. This, too, is a good 
> >Consider the variant forms that this, combined with 
> >produces in declensions and conjugations - and make sure you have 
> >reference for the two.
> um...what sort of reference?  (so I am not caught unawares later 
on list).

A grammar book with tables for the declensions and conjugations.
> >that syllable is long. It is stressed on the antepenultimate if 
> um...when is the antepenultimate?
capital = stressed syllable

patakA = ultimate
patAka = penultimate
pAtaka = antepenultimate

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