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Re: thoughts about Romano-Pharonic?

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "rodlox" <rodlox@h...> wrote:

> > >  anybody have any thoughts about it? (it's in
> > > the Files section).

Dude, you just took an arbitrary slice out of an
online dictionary, with very inaccurate glosses
(which isn't your fault, strictly speaking...  but
still, a tool misused is not necessarily a bad 
tool) and had the computer make one or two automatic
letter subsitutions.  I'm all for supporting new and
inexperienced conlangers, but that's just lazy.

Your "unnamed conlang" as posted on the conlang list
is already a lot more original.  Less automation, 
more manual work, that's the way.  Takes a lot more
time, granted, but at least you'll end up with an
artwork of your own, rather than grafitti scrawled
over someone else's paintings.

As far as that word list goes: It seems to me that
the English glosses are words that *appear* in the
full explanation of a Latin word, rather than being
*the* translation.  For example, you have "abide" as
the translation of *29* different Latin words! 
Doesn't that seem strange to you?  Especially since
very basic words like STO, primarily meaning "to 
stand", are also translated as "abide".

Hope that helps.

-- Christian Thalmann