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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Padraic Brown <elemtilas@y...> wrote: > --- rodlox <rodlox@h...> wrote: > > > > > anybody have any thoughts about it? (it's in > > the Files section). > > If it's one of the xls files, I have no way of > opening them. I just uploaded a wordpad version of it. and here's another version: Words in Roman English Translations Words in Romano-Pharonic abagmentum = abortion = abadjmentum the 'ch' is pronounced like the Scottish loCH; abbreviatio = abbreviation = abbreviat'' single E is pronounced as a short E; abdicatio = abdication = abdichat'' double EE is pronounced as a long EE; abdomen = abdomen = abdomen two '' is a glottal stop; abhorreo = abhor = abhorreo abicio = abandon, abandoned, abject = abich'' abiga = abortion = abidja abigo = abortion = abidjo abnormis = abnormal = abnormis aboleo = abolish = aboleo abolitio = abolishing, abolition = abolit'' abominabilis = abhorrence, abominable = abominabilis abominatio = abomination = abominat'' abominor = abhor, abominable, abominably, abominate, abominated = abominor Aborigines = aboriginal, aborigines = Aboridjines abortivus = abortion = abortivus abortus = abortion = abortus abrelictus = abandoned = abrelichtus abundo = abound, abounding = abundo addico = abandon = addicho Aeaea = abode = Aeaea Aeolia = abode = Aeolia aequo = abolished = aequo affectatio = ability = afechtat'' affectio = ability = afecht'' affectus = ability = afechtus affligo = abandon, abandoned = aflidjo affluo = abound, abounding = afluo agito = abide = adjito algosus = abounding = aldjosus alienatio = aberration = aleenat'' amicosus = abounding = amichosus aneticus = abating = anetichus apo = abode = apo apud = abode = apud aquosus = abounding = aquosus argentosus = abounding = ardjentosus argillosus = abounding = ardjillosus aristosus = abounding = aristosus armentosus = abounding = armentosus ascendo = aboard = aschendo asceteria = abode = ascheteria Astraea = abandoned = Astraea at = abed = at auctoritas = ability = auchtoritas autochthones = aborigines = autochhthones auxiliaris = able = auxiliaris aversabilis = abominable = aversabilis aviarius = abode = aviarius bacalia = abounding = bachalia balsamodes = abounding = balsamodes baptisma = ablution = baptisma Bastarnae = abode = Bastarnae beluosus = abounding = beluosus bene = abhorring, ability, able, ably = bene bijugus = abreast = bijudjus bituminosus = abounding = bituminosus breviarius = abridged, abridgment = breviarius breviator = abbreviator = breviator bucolicus = abode = bucholichus cado = abate = chado caelum# = abode = chaelum# caesposus = abounding = chaesposus calx = abandon = chalx Caninius = abandoned = chaninius capax = able = chapax caprarius = abounding = chaprarius carnosus = abounding = charnosus Carpathus = abode = charpathus Catacecaumene = abounding = chatachechaumene cedo# = abandon . . = chedo# celeber = abounding = cheleber cella = abode = chella Cephisus = abounding = chephisus Cibyra = abounding = chibyra Circe = abode = chirche Circumcellio = abode = chirchumchell'' circumcido = abridged = chirchumchido circumfluo = abound = chirchumfluo circumscribo = abate, abridged = chirchumschribo clavus = abortion = chlavus coactio = abridgment = choacht'' coeliacus = abdomen = choeliachus cogitatio = ability = chodjitat'' cohibilis = abridged = chohibilis colo# = abide = cholo# colonia# = abode = cholonia# commoratio = abiding = chommorat'' commoror = abide = chommoror compendium = abridged = chompendium compromitto = abide = chompromitto concelebro = abound = chonchelebro consido = abate, abode = chonsido constitio = abiding, abode = chonstit'' constituo = abode = chonstituo consto = abide = chonsto constringo = abridged = chonstrindjo contemno = abject = chontemno conticesco = abate = chontichescho contractio = abridgment = chontracht'' contraho = abridged = chontraho convello = abortion = chonvello conversatio = abode = chonversat'' converso = abide = chonverso copia# = ability, able = chopia# copiosus = abounding = chop''sus copis# = abounding = chopis# Corcyra = abode = chorchyra corticosus = abounding = chortichosus Cragos = abode = chradjos creber = abounding = chreber cretosus = abounding = chretosus cunabula = abode = chunabula cuniculosus = abounding = chunichulosus Cytorus = abounding = chytorus de# = abandoned = de# decedo = abate = dechedo decessio = abatement = dechess'' deficio = abandon = defich'' deflagro = abate = defladjro defremo = abate = defremo degluttio = abolish = dedjlutt'' deleo = abolish = deleo deminuo = abate = deminuo deminutio = abatement = deminut'' demissio = abatement = demiss'' demitto = abjectly = demitto demoratio = abiding = demorat'' dependo = abandon = dependo deperdo = abandoned = deperdo derelictio = abandoning = derelicht'' derelictor = abandons = derelichtor derelictus = abandoning = derelichtus derelinquo = abandon = derelinquo desero = abandon = desero desertor = abandons = desertor desolo = abandon = desolo despumo = abate = despumo despuo = abhor = despuo destituo = abandon, abandoned = destituo destitutio = abandoning = destitut'' detestabilis = abominable, abominably = detestabilis detestor = abhor, abhorrence, abominate, abominated = detestor dialogista = able = dialodjista diffluo = abandoned = difluo digredior = abandon = didjred''r dimitto = abandon = dimitto dimoveo = abolished = dimoveo diruo = abolish = diruo dirus = abominable = dirus discrimen = abandon = dischrimen dissertio = abolition = dissert'' dissocio = abandoned = dissoch'' dissolutio = abolishing = dissolut'' dissolvo = abolish = dissolvo domicilium = abode = domichilium domus = abode = domus ectroma = abortion = echtroma effervesco = abate = efervescho effeto = abolish = efeto effodio = abortion = efod'' ejulabundus = abandoned = ejulabundus ejuratio = abdication = ejurat'' ejuro = abandon = ejuro electrifer = abounding = elechtrifer Eleutherocilices = aborigines = Eleutherochiliches elido = abortion = elido eminentia = ability = eminentia epitome = abridgment = epitome erado = abolish = erado evalesco = ability, able = evalescho exabundo = abound = exabundo excessus = aberration = exchessus expello = abolish = expello explodo = abolished = explodo exsecratio = abomination = exsechrat'' exstinguo = abolish = exstindjuo extermino = abolish = extermino exubero = abound = exubero facilis = abounding = fachilis facultas = ability = fachultas faecinius = abounding = faechinius faeculentus = abounding = faechulentus fecundus = abounding = fechundus ferax = abounding = ferax figo = abode = fidjo filictum = abounding = filichtum firmus = able = firmus floreo = abound = floreo floresco = abound = florescho floridus = abounding = floridus florosus = abounding = florosus florulentus = abounding = florulentus foedus# = abominable = foedus# fortuno = abodes = fortuno frango = abated = frandjo frequento = abounding = frequento fructuosus = = fruchtuosus frumentarius = = frumentarius frux = ability = frux fugio = abode = fudj'' G = abbreviation = dj gerulifigulus = abettor = djerulifidjulus Graecostasis = abode = djraechostasis H = abbreviation = H habeo = ability, able = habeo habilis = able = habilis habilitas = ability = habilitas habito = abide = habito haereo = abide = haereo harundinosus = abounding = harundinosus heliocaminus = abode = hel''chaminus honestus = able = honestus humilio = abase = humil'' humilis = abject, abjectly = humilis humilitas = abjectness = humilitas Hybla = abounding = Hybla hypochondria = abdomen = hypochhondria idoneus = able = idoneus ile = abdomen = ile imminuo = abate = imminuo impius = abandoned = impius improbus = = improbus impuratus = abandoned, abominable = impuratus impurus = abandoned = impurus inclino = abase, abate = inchlino incolo# = abide = incholo# incommendatus = abandoned = inchommendatus incubo = abide = inchubo indoles = abilities = indoles infandus = = infandus infans = able = infans infernus = abdomen = infernus influo = abounding = influo ingeniosus = abilities = indjen''sus ingenium = abilities = indjenium inguen = abdomen = indjuen intardo = abide = intardo interimo = abolish = interimo intermitto = abandoned = intermitto intestabilis# = abominable = intestabilis# inundo = abound = inundo invetero = abide, abolish = invetero labefacto = abortion = labefachto Laelius = abilities = Laelius Lares = abandon = Lares largus# = abounding = lardjus# laxo = abate = laxo Lemnos = abode = Lemnos Lerna = abode = Lerna licium = abdomen = lichium limen = abode = limen linea = able = linea linquo = abandon = linquo littera = able = littera locuples = able = lochuples locus = abandon, abode = lochus luxurio = abound = luxur'' machina = abandon = machhina maculosus = abominable = machulosus madeo = abound = madeo madidus = abounding = madidus maneo = abide = maneo mansio = abode = mans'' mansito = abide = mansito mansorius = abiding = mansorius materia = abilities = materia medius = abolish = medius medullatus = abounding = medullatus metallifer = abounding = metallifer Minerva abilities, = abode = Minerva abilitees, minister = abettor = minister minoratio = abasement = minorat'' minuo = abate = minuo moechocinaedus = abandoned = moechhochinaedus multicomus = abounding = multichomus multiflorus = abounding = multiflorus multifructus = abounding = multifruchtus mustulentus = abounding = mustulentus muto# = abandon, abandoned = muto# Naxos = abandonment = Naxos nefandus = abominable = nefandus nefarius = abominable, abominably = nefarius nefas = abominable = nefas nefastus = abandoned, abomination = nefastus nequeo = able = nequeo niteo = abound = niteo no# = able = no# obicio = abandon = obich'' objecto = abandon = objechto obnoxiosus = abjectly = obnox''sus obnoxius = abject = obnoxius obruo = abolish = obruo obscenus = abominable = obschenus obsessor = abides = obsessor obsideo = abide = obsideo offa = abortion = ofa onustus = abounding = onustus opera = abettors = opera oppono = abandon = oppono ops# = ability = ops# Orcus = abode = Orchus originarius = aborigines = oridjinarius ostreosus = abounding = ostreosus ostrifer = abounding = ostrifer pabulosus = abounding = pabulosus palmifer = abounding = palmifer palmosus = abounding = palmosus par = able = par Parnes = abounding = Parnes pars = ability = pars partus = abortion = partus pastophorium = abode = pastophorium pennipotens = able = pennipotens perdo = abandoned = perdo perduro = abide = perduro peremptalis = abolishing, abolition = peremptalis perfrictio = abrasion = perfricht'' peringeniosus = abilities = perindjen''sus peritonaeum = abdomen = peritonaeum permaneo = abide = permaneo perpetior = abide = perpet''r perpetuus = abiding = perpetuus perscribo = abbreviations = perschribo Perseus = abandoned = Perseus persevero = abide = persevero perturpis = abominable = perturpis pes = abilities = pes Phaselis = abounding = Phaselis philopygista = abandoned = philopydjista Phlegra = abounding = Phledjra Pholoe = abode = Pholoe Picus = aborigines = Pichus piscosus = abounding = pischosus pisculentus = abounding = pischulentus plenus = abounding = plenus polleo = able = polleo pomosus = abounding = pomosus pono = abate = pono populifer abound = abounding = populifer abound populosus = abounding = populosus portuosus = abounding = portuosus possibilitas = = possibilitas possideo = abide = possideo possum = ability, able = possum potentia# = ability = potentia# potestas = ability, able = potestas potin = able = potin potis = able = potis praecordia = abdomen = praechordia praeoccupatio = abdomen = praeochchupat'' praepossum = able = praepossum praescatens = abounding = praeschatens praesum = able = praesum praevaleo = able = praevaleo pro# = ability = pro# probus# = able = probus# Proconnesus = abounding = Prochonnesus prodigus = abounding = prodidjus prodo = abandon = prodo profligo# = abandoned = proflidjo# proicio = abandon, abject = proich'' pudeo = abominable = pudeo pudibilis = abominable = pudibilis quam = able = quam queo = able = queo rapio = abduct = rap'' raptio = abduction = rapt'' raptor = abductor = raptor raptus = abduction = raptus recedo = abandon = rechedo recido = abridged = rechido reciproco = able = rechiprocho reddo = abandon = reddo redigo = abridged = redidjo redundo = abound = redundo refigo = abolish = refidjo refrigesco = abate = refridjescho relanguesco = abate = relandjuescho relaxo = abates = relaxo relevo = abate = relevo relictio = abandoning = relicht'' relictor = abandons = relichtor relictus = abandoned, abandoning = relichtus relinquo = abandon, abandoned = relinquo remaneo = abide = remaneo remissio = abatement, abating = remiss'' remitto = abandon, abate = remitto renuntio = able = renunt'' rescindo = abolish = reschindo reserabilis = able = reserabilis resideo = abide = resideo resido = abate = resido resolvo = abolish = resolvo respiro = abate = respiro satelles = abettor = satelles scateo = abound = schateo scaturiginosus = abounding = schaturidjinosus scaturio = abound = schatur'' scelerosus = abominable = schelerosus scelerus = abominable = schelerus scelestus = abominable, abominably = schelestus secerno = abandoned = secherno sedeo = abide = sedeo sedes = abode = sedes sedo = abated = sedo segnesco = abate = sedjnescho Sicyon = abounding = Sichyon sigla = abbreviation, abbreviations = sidjla Simbruvium = abounding = Simbruvium singularius = abbreviations = sindjularius solum# = abolished = solum# solvo = abolish = solvo sordidus = abject = sordidus spes = abandon = spes sputatilicus = abominable = sputatilichus stabulor = abode = stabulor stabulum = abode = stabulum statio = abode = stat'' statuo = abide = statuo status = abandon = status stillo = abound = stillo sto = abide = sto subornator = abettor = subornator subsido = abate, abide = subsido subsisto = abide = subsisto subventrile = abdomen = subventrile Sulpicius = able = Sulpichius sum# = able = sum# sumministrator = abettor = sumministrator summitto = abject = summitto supero = abound = supero supersum = abound = supersum suppedito = abound = suppedito Taburnus = abounding = Taburnus taeter = abominable = taeter tectum = abode = techtum terra = aborigines = terra Tetrica = abounding = Tetricha tolerabilis = able = tolerabilis tollo = abolish = tollo trijugis = abreast = trijudjis Trogus = abridged = Trodjus ulvosus = abounding = ulvosus undo = abound = undo vacue = abolish = vachue valeo = able = valeo validus = able = validus verso = abide = verso vilis = abandoned = vilis virilis = ability = virilis volo# = abandon = volo#