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Re: [romconlang] question - Latin/English glossary?

Mark J. Reed wrote:

On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 10:21:06AM -0700, Padraic Brown wrote:

--- rodlox <rodlox@hidden.email> wrote:

does anyone know where there's a good
Latin-English glossary?

There are many good Latin dictionaries. Cassell's
makes a good two way dictionary. Any book store
will have a number of inexpensive ones.

I agree that a book may be more useful than an online

Not least sincethe online lists normally don't indicate
vowel quantities.  These are absolutely necessary for
conlanging purposes! ;)

However, you can find an online version of
Lewis and Short's dictionary at the Perseus project:


That one doesn't work for me.  I get some Shakespeare
dictionary instead...

I'm not overly fond of Cassell's paperback edition, personally.
It is inconsistent about indicating vowel length (sometimes
it does, and sometimes it doesn't), and even when it does
the type setting makes it difficult to distinguish between
the macron and breve.  Since vowel length tends to
be important in the evolution of sounds in a romlang,
this is quite frustrating.

I prefer my Collins Gem dictionary, which is smaller but
easier to read.

So do I, but is it obtainable in the US, I wonder?
Since we are comparing, mine has been with me
20+years.  It actually fits in a pocket and has
a plastic cover, printed 1985.



/BP 8^)
B.Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

        Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant!