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Re: [romconlang] Re: Corrected classification of Romance languages in Ill Bethisad

Christian Thalmann wrote:
--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Benct Philip Jonsson <melroch@m...> wrote:

Sorry about forgeting Jelbazech!

I also forgot to include Sardinian, which I suppose exists
*there* as *here*.

Not in the least surprisingly, you also collectively
ignored Jovian*.  Déi ed dsauvuls!

Sorry!  The way Romance is proliferating in IB it is
really hard to keep track of what's in and what's not!

 Admittedly, it's a
bit hard to categorize, with its close ties to Classical Latin and its unparalleled sound changes. Maybe it should be a category of its own. How about
"High Romance", or "One True Romance"?  ;o)

With lenition and everything I'd say Jovian is clearly
Western.  I've added it as a fifth major subgroup of
Western and hopefully also corrected the numbering by
the time you see this.  I have now entered the list in
the IB wiki under "Romance Languages" -- and I see that
Marc Pasquin has added Laurentien as a separate Gallo-
Romance language as well.

-- Christian Thalmann

*) Supposing Jervaine hasn't been erased from the maps
   for my lack of participation.

Don't worry.  Even India is still there!  Nobody seems
to have noticed the pompous ceremony when Circars became
Kalinga however...


/BP 8^)
B.Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

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